Development of 3D Finite Element Model of Human head
Examensarbete för masterexamen
Sound and vibration (MPSOV), MSc
Kim, Li Jung
Bone-Anchored Hearing Aid (BAHA) is known as the surgically implantable hearing
aid for patients whose medical conditions are beyond the stage of wearing the
conventional air conductive hearing aid (ACHA) or those who suffer from bone diseases
or chronic inflammation of the outer or middle ear. Numerous studies have
been conducted to investigate the bone conduction mechanism. Nowadays, with the
help of computational mechanics such as the Finite-Element Method (FEM), the
performance of BAHA can be improved before the actual costly physical models are
This thesis aims to develop FE head models that are readily available for commercial
use. This thesis presents two different head models, which enable the simulation of
the vibration phenomenon, specifically the mechanical point impedance of the skull
bone. One model addresses the artificial head model, and the other originates from
the direct segmentation of CT scan with new segmentation software. The final goal
is to identify critical parameters for effective bone conduction as well as to improve
the current BAHA model.
The simulation results were compared with both test data and literature. This
study concludes that both models were successfully able to reproduce results with
the test data. Antiresonance frequencies in the simulation results were present at
approximately 70 — 90 Hz in the simulator FE model and approximately 200 Hz in
the actual human FE model.
The proposed modelling approach will be a stepping stone to quantitatively investigate
the biomechanical behavior of bone conduction and provide platforms for the
patient-specific optimization of the BAHA configuration with future improvements.
Bone Anchored Hearing Aid (BAHA), Bone Conduction, Finite Element Method (FEM), Frequency response analysis, Mechanical Point Impedance, Nonstructural Mass, Fluid-Structure, MSC Nastran, ANSA, RETOMO, Medical Image Segmentation