Search-based Test Generation Framework for Android Apps with Support for Multiobjective Generation: STGFA-SMOG

Examensarbete för masterexamen
Gebrekrstos, Selam Welu
Gereziher, Teklit Berihu
Search-based test generation is an automated test generation technique that saves time and energy which developers spend for a manual test generation. In searchbased test generation, the test input creation is framed as a search problem, in which search algorithms are used to automatically select the optimal solution based on feedback from one or more fitness functions - scoring functions based on attainment of selected test criteria, such as code coverage or number of crashes detected. The effectiveness of test input generation depends on the selection of measurable test goals and the selection of effective fitness functions. Search-based test generation with support for multi-objective test generation has been applied in other domains such as desktop software. However, automated test case generation for Android apps is not a mature field, and existing approaches do not allow testing to be adapted to specific goals, like identifying excessive CPU usage or maximizing code coverage. In addition, multi-objective search-based test generation can target multiple fitness functions at once, shaping a test suite that has multiple properties of interest (for example, you could both maximize CPU usage and the number of crashes, and you could shorten test case length, all during one test generation session). However, we do not know which combinations of fitness functions are effective at triggering crashes or meeting other testing goals during Android GUI-based testing. In this study, we developed a search-based test generation framework for Android GUI-based testing with support for multiple fitness functions, largely based on nonfunctional properties such as maximizing CPU or battery usage. We compared STGFA-SMOG with the Random test generation tool we developed as a baseline in the intermediate and final evaluations to determine whether STGFA-SMOG generates tests more adept at maximizing the properties of interest, and whether it generates tests more effective at triggering crashes. We also assess which configurations of STGFA-SMOG (fitness function combinations) trigger the most crashes, and the impact of adjusting the search budget on fitness and crash detection. Based on the intermediate evaluation STGFA-SMOG produced better fitness values than Random test generation for all search budgets we applied. Furthermore, STGFA-SMOG with both search budgets detected more crashes than Random test generation, and more crashes were detected with a 30 generation search budget than with a 10 generation budget. However, the comparison between the different configurations of fitness functions only demonstrated minor differences between fitness function configurations. The empirical results revealed that the best configuration is dependent on the app-under-test. Ultimately, STGFA-SMOG can enable testers to generate test cases for non-functional properties of interest, such as CPU, memory, battery, and network usage, and is able to trigger crashes in Android applications.
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