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    Mechanical design of gear train efficiency test rig - Efficiency evaluation of geared front attachments in industrial tightening tools
    (2024) Shin, Miranda; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för industri- och materialvetenskap; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Industrial and Materials Science; Melkersson, Kjell; Forsberg, Per
    Atlas Copco desires a test rig where they can perform gear accuracy and efficiency tests with the aim of potentially enhancing the performance of their Geared Front Attachment (GFA) tool tightening solutions. The GFA extension consist of several gears positioned on a row making it possible to perform tightening’s in difficult positions. This project involves the mechanical design and assembly of a gear test rig that the company can leverage for future GFA development assessments. The degree project includes Computer Aided Design (CAD) design drawings of the rig and explanation of component selection necessary to assemble and operate the gear train test rig. The development process of the gear train test rig will be documented and discussed with regards to functionality, tolerance and fit, manufacturing, assembly, and maintenance. The project is divided into three phases, the design and construction phase, the assembly phase, and the test phase. The final design of the gear train test rig consists of several gear modules, allowing flexibility in adjusting the number of gear steps based on the operator's testing requirements. Each gear module is clamped onto a T-slot aluminum plate. The input and output modules are placed in the beginning and at the end of the test rig gear train. The input module is connected to the power source and the output module is connected to the system pneumatic brake. The gear steps can easily be set and rearranged by changing the number of middle modules incorporated to the gear train test rig. To validate the functionality of the assembled test rig, grease test cases have been conducted. Research indicates that power losses occur during gear meshing because of friction between interlocking gear teeth, which in this case will impact the gear test rig efficiency. Studies show that lubrication applied to gears can improve tool performance significantly (Westbroek, Leckner & Olsson, 2023). Test cases were conducted both with no applied grease on gears and with two different greases applied to the gears. These test cases validate the test rig's performance and the effects of different lubrication conditions. The conclusive test results reveal that the comparison between the two different greases did not show any significant difference, although applying grease to the gears enhances the test rig efficiency by nearly 19 %. The conclusive assessment of the constructed test rig's performance reveals that the rig will operate with a 95 % efficiency during two-gear-step test cases.
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    Videoinspelning för en effektivare produktion En studie om hur videoinspelning kan komplettera analys av produktionsstörningar och dess påverkan på operatörers engagemang
    (2023) Gillmor, Olle; Svensson, Louise; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för industri- och materialvetenskap; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Industrial and Materials Science; Ylipää, Torbjörn; Ylipää, Torbjörn
    I en snabbt föränderlig värld ställs allt större krav på organisationers produktivitet. Studier påvisar dock att produktionsstörningar utgör ett problem inom tillverkningsindustrin. För att förbättra störningshanteringen syftar projektet DFusion till att sammanfoga data från flera källor i produktionen och utveckla analysverktyg för bättre grundorsaksanalys, förebyggande och hantering av störningarna. I projektet deltar företaget EyeAtProduction med sin produkt Film The Fault, vilken fokuserar på att videosekvenser ska möjliggöra bättre grundorsaksanalyser. Arbetet avser att undersöka hur videoinspelning, framför allt Film The Fault, kan bidra till en effektivare produktion genom dess påverkan på operatörers motivation och engagemang samt komplettering av befintliga arbetssätt för analys av störningar. Vidare avser arbetet att bidra med ökad kunskap till DFusion-projektet och vidareutvecklingen av Film The Fault. För att besvara arbetets frågeställningar har en kvalitativ studie genomförts genom semistrukturerade intervjuer på tre tillverkande företag. Utöver intervjuerna skickades en enkät ut till operatörerna på företagen för att undersöka hur de upplever sitt arbete och hanteringen av produktionsstörningar. Vidare genomfördes en litteraturstudie utifrån tidigare forskning inom ämnet. I både tidigare forskning samt intervjuer framgår det att produktionsstörningar resulterar i utmaningar för tillverkningsindustrin och påverkar bland annat produktionspersonalens arbetsmiljö negativt. Genom studien konstateras det att insamlad data från produktionen är betydelsefull, framför allt vid kroniska störningar som är svåra att identifiera och förstå. Vid dessa har videoinspelning uttryckts utgöra ett bra komplement för att öka förståelsen kring uppkomsten samt effektivare hantering. För operatörers motivation och engagemang kan inga slutsatser dras utan enbart diskuteras utifrån ett teoretiskt perspektiv till följd av bristande antal svar på den utskickade enkäten.
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    Förbättrad på- och avstigning för rullstolsburna på Västtrafiks bussar
    (2023) Eriksson, Linus; Hultgren, Linus; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för industri- och materialvetenskap; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Industrial and Materials Science; Dahlman, Sanna; Dahlman, Sanna
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    Utveckling av damm- och partikelhantering till autonom golvslip
    (2023) Andersson, Wilma; Skogberg, Gideon; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för industri- och materialvetenskap; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Industrial and Materials Science; Almefelt, Lars; Gustafsson, Göran
    Polished concrete floors are becoming increasingly common in industrial premises and in homes. Grinding is a method to achieve a durable, sustainable and consistently smooth flooring solution. However, the process is time-consuming and demanding for the operator, who is exposed to noise, vibrations, and dust for extended periods of time. An autonomous concrete grinder would eliminate the operator from this demanding environment and moreover reduce the cost of the method. Husqvarna Construction manufactures machinery and tools for professional users and is a leader in diamond tools for grinding, cutting, and drilling. They intend to develop the field of floor grinding with the concept of an autonomous floor grinder, something which does not currently exist on the market. This thesis project aims at finding a solution for dust and particle management during the grinding of concrete floors using an autonomous floor grinder. The work was initiated with interviews and an investigation of existing products on the market to gain a good understanding of and insight into the problem. Subsequently, multiple ideas for solutions were generated, and then progressively inferior alternatives were eliminated until only one concept remained. It was evaluated using 3D models and a 3D-printed prototype, along with existing testing equipment and a prototype machine. The results of the concept testing were compared to a similar previous measurement conducted by the Dust and Slurry division at Husqvarna Construction, as an objective reference value is lacking. In this comparison, it was revealed that the levels of dust particles were higher for the developed concept compared to the product Husqvarna used during the test. However, the concept is considered a well-founded solution after further development.
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    Upplevelsen av digitala möbler i metaverse: En utforskning av användarperspektivet En studie om design, interaktion och användarupplevelse av digitala möbler
    (2023) Gustafsson, David; Östberg, Amber; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för industri- och materialvetenskap; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Industrial and Materials Science; Wranne, Olof; Wranne, Olof
    Metaverse, an umbrella term for interactive digital environments that create an illusion of an alternative reality, is a subject with an unpredictable future in terms of its areas of use and adoption rate. This study investigates the potential value of furniture in metaverse, examines how furniture should be designed technically, visually, and in consideration of emotional criteria. This study includes several user-centred methods to succeed in completing this work with user oriented characteristics. Initial semi-structured interviews focusing on digital and physical furniture, KJ-analysis and focus groups formed the basis for iterative analysis of user attitudes, needs and requirements. The furniture used for research purposes in metaverse went through a traditional product development process, until two concepts where finished. Then the 3D modelling of the furniture took place, with polygon modelling as the central approach. Techniques such as UV-mapping and texturing contributed to the final results of the furniture and its integration into a room in metaverse. Based on knowledge from the focus groups, a final set of requirements is presented. These requirements clarify the criteria that furniture in metaverse should fulfil to provide a usable and digitally fitting experience. In conclusion, uncertainties persist regarding the trust and future of metaverse as a tool moving forward. Questions remain in relation to the actual utility of furniture in metaverse, given the lack of certain sensory attributes and the central reliance on the visual expression. However, in this study, several future prospects have been revealed, such as how metaverse and digital furniture can enhance human interaction and inspirit creativity in day-to-day tasks.