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Build Housing not Parking: A managerial perspective on parking and mobility in Swedish new housing developments
(2024) Andersson, Erik; Prytz, Oscar; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för arkitektur och samhällsbyggnadsteknik (ACE); Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för arkitektur och samhällsbyggnadsteknik (ACE); Buser, Martine
Today there are approximately 20 million parking spaces in Sweden, which is more than four parking spaces per registered car. Yet the municipal demands are to build more at every new housing development, even though parking is strongly connected to car use and high greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time, the construction of parking is a considerable part of the construction cost in new housing development. With this as a starting point, this thesis investigates; how Swedish cities are managing parking and mobility today, how parking can be managed more sustainably in the future, and how parking affects the development and building of new housing. As a method for answering this, a survey and interview study have been conducted with involved stakeholders, to get a wide picture of the current situation and future possibilities for change, a complementary document study has been conducted as well. In this thesis, an interpretation of the middle-out framework is used to analyse the different stakeholders’ roles in enabling and sustaining the identified need for change within the management of parking and mobility in new housing development in Sweden. This thesis identifies a need for increased sharing around parking and mobility, leading to a need for planning at a neighbourhood level to create a functioning market for parking and mobility. To reach this, there is a need for more evidence-based decisions for stakeholders to be able to make decisions that may be challenging and less popular, differing from current societal norms, and which are aimed at promoting sustainable development. Furthermore, it is of the essence to plan for the cities we want, not basing decisions on the current situation and norms. As future research it is important to further establish how different mobility services correspond to a reduction in parking demand, further evaluate the legal room connected to the issues, as well as the effect a separation of the parking and mobility market from the housing market would have
(2024) Ageby, Oscar; KawassKarl, Karl; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för arkitektur och samhällsbyggnadsteknik (ACE); Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för arkitektur och samhällsbyggnadsteknik (ACE); Buser, Martine
The Swedish construction industry is navigating a perfect storm of economic recession, geopolitical tensions, and escalating sustainability requirements. This master's thesis explores how key players in the Swedish commercial construction sector adapt to these pressures, using Institutional Theory to analyze decision-making dynamics. Utilizing an exploratory approach, the research integrates a comprehensive literature review with qualitative data from interviews with stakeholders in a major Swedish design-build contracting firm, referred to as "The Organization." Findings reveal that internal power dynamics, influenced by institutional logics, play a crucial role in prioritizing and integrating sustainability within the firm’s strategy and operations. The study identifies three strategic responses to sustainability pressures: conformity, compromise, and avoidance. These strategies result from a complex interplay of business, sustainability, project, and professional logics. The research highlights the necessity for firms to innovate and integrate sustainability into their core business models, ensuring both compliance and a competitive edge. This study enriches the understanding of organizational behavior in the construction industry, illustrating how firms tackle sustainability challenges in a risky economic landscape. It provides valuable insights into the decision-making processes that shape sustainable practices, offering a solid framework for future research on institutional logics and their influence on organizational strategy.
A Blind Spot in Construction: An investigation into the prevalence and perception of construction logistics management
(2024) Campbell, Eric John; Van Der Horst, Floris; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för arkitektur och samhällsbyggnadsteknik (ACE); Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för arkitektur och samhällsbyggnadsteknik (ACE); Buser, Martine
Logistik är en väsentlig del av moderna byggprojekt, med en växande betydelse då urbanisering och antalet hållbarhetsinitiativ ökar. Dock är det fortfarande osäkert hur logistiska uppgifter hanteras på byggarbetsplatserna dagligen. Genom att kombinera data från observationer på byggarbetsplatser med kvalitativa data från intervjuer med medlemmar av platsledning, logistikexperter, och rekryterare, lyfter vi fram förekomsten och uppfattningarna om logistikhantering inom byggsektorn. Vi kan från detta dra slutsatsen att logistik tar upp en betydande mängd av arbetsledarnas tid och energi, samtidigt som det inte möts med en nödvändig närvaro i rekrytering och arbetsbeskrivningar. Logistik ses ofta som en aktivitet för att möjliggöra andra arbetsuppgifter, vilket resulterar i att den ofta utförs reaktivt. Om logistik tilldelas de som är specialiserade på det, eller om mer kunskap kring integrering av logistik byggs upp, kan det ge fördelar kopplade till kvalitet, kostnad, och tid genom att i förväg planera och effektivisera logistikflöden.
Evaluating the Impact of the Swedish Public Procurement Act on the Construction Sector
(2024) Diriye, Summeya; Ogbazghi, Sem; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för arkitektur och samhällsbyggnadsteknik (ACE); Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för arkitektur och samhällsbyggnadsteknik (ACE); Troje, Daniell
The Swedish construction sector has historically faced challenges in productivity, with stagnant or declining rates over the years. The procurement process plays a crucial role in determining a project outcome, including cost variations, quality standards, and operational efficiency. Understanding how the Swedish Public Procurement Act influences these factors for both clients and contractors is essential for improving project delivery and overall sector performance. The study aims to uncover factors influencing the public procurement process and their implications on project outcomes through a detailed analysis of clients’ and contractors’ perspectives. Through 14 qualitative interviews with various contractors and public clients, the thesis applies an abductive research approach and presents a thorough analysis of the impacts of the Public Procurement Act on construction projects. The findings highlight the importance of clear and detailed bid documents in the procurement process, emphasizing the need for transparency and adequate preparation time to ensure successful project outcomes. By exploring the advantages and disadvantages of the Swedish Public Procurement Act in a construction context, the study offers valuable insights into the complexities of public procurement practices in the construction sector. The thesis contributes to the existing knowledge of public procurement strategies in the Swedish construction sector and offers recommendations for improving procurement practices to enhance project delivery.
How contractors implement environmentally sustainable building: A study of compliance with environmental requirements across project organizations for municipal construction projects
(2024) Björk FIlander, Linn; Mattsson, Emilia; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för arkitektur och samhällsbyggnadsteknik (ACE); Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för arkitektur och samhällsbyggnadsteknik (ACE); Buser, Martine
The continuous growth of the building and construction industry contributes to the sector accounting for one-third of all global greenhouse gas emissions. To reduce emissions and achieve more environmental sustainability in construction, environmentally sustainable directives must be followed globally and nationally. Today, clients are imposing increasingly stringent environmental requirements on their projects, posing a challenge for contractors to meet these demands and align the entire project organization towards the same goal. The study aims to investigate how environmental requirements are followed and complied with throughout the process of construction projects, as well as what drives and hinders their successful fulfillment. To investigate this, a case study was conducted in collaboration with Veidekke, focusing on two public projects located in Gothenburg, Sweden. Relevant actors from both projects were interviewed, including subcontractors, suppliers, site managers, and environmental managers. Furthermore, documents from both projects, such as contracts and environmental plans, were analyzed. The study finds that formulation and organizational issues hinder adherence to environmental requirements in the projects. It also highlights inconsistencies and lack of clarity in contract formulation and implementation, emphasizing the necessity of a monitoring system and clear production follow-up procedures, with a focus on leadership. To enhance compliance with environmental requirements in construction projects, contractors must clearly frame environmental standards for their subcontractors and suppliers. Early inclusion could ensure improved integration of the requirements throughout the project. Furthermore, it is advantageous to have a responsible person in the organization who is solely focused on environmental issues to ensure thorough attention already from the procurement phase into the production phase. An individual who is also responsible for monitoring routines and motivating envi ronmental work throughout the project organization.