Förutsättningar för en skridskobana i centrala Göteborg med fokus på innovativ och miljöanpassad energiförsörjning
Maskinteknik 180 hp (högskoleingenjör)
Calisir, Theresa
Karlsson, Elin
As the importance of sustainability continues to increase, the need to create solutions that fits
the SDG (sustainable development goal) intensifies. The purpose of the study, given from
Göteborg Energi and Göteborg & Co, is to investigate the conditions for an open ice rink in
central Gothenburg with a focus on innovative and environmentally friendly energy supplies.
But above all, exploring different cooling systems taking into account different sustainability
aspects. The goal was to gather information rather than to reach a decision on technical
options or costs, due to a non-specified budget.
Through literature studies and market research, details on different cooling technologies and
their potential sustainability benefits and flaws were gathered. Interviews with experts within
the industry complemented the records. Since the facility strives to remain in use throughout
the whole year, the research indicated that hybrid cooling systems were the most optimal
alternative. The cooling systems considered were a compressor cooling system and an
absorption refrigerator, the motive being to utilize district heating in the form of waste heat
from local industries. The facility requires a cooling effect of approximately 2,15 MW
acknowledging only the outside temperature differences. A compressor cooling system is
generally the most effective and reliable whilst an absorption refrigerator commonly is more
sustainable but at a higher operating cost.
To fully estimate the effectiveness, costs and principles of the entire system, further research
with a more defined budget is necessary. The collected information provides a base for
decision making and continuous future studies.
Ice rink , sustainability , compressor cooling , absorption cooling , cooling systems , energy supply , environmentally friendly