Impact of Equilibration on the Heat Conductance and Noise of non-Abelian fractional Quantum Hall Edges
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Examensarbete för masterexamen
Nanotechnology (MPNAT), MSc
Hein, Michael
Performing resistance measurements in a cold 2D electron gas allows to observe the quantum Hall effect. It comes along with a quantized transverse and simultaneously vanishing longitudinal resistance as well as transport along the edge in chiral channels. Some of the discovered fractional quantum Hall states are predicted to host non-Abelian quasi particles that obey exotic exchange statistics with potential use for quantum computation. An essential step towards the manipulation of these particles is to uncover the edge structure of the underlying state and thus verifying the usability of their non-Abelian properties. Recently, a novel method to distinguish between potential candidates for the fractional quantum Hall edge at filling 5/2 has been established using a combination of heat transport and noise arguments.
In this thesis, the role of equilibration between counter-propagating edge modes on the heat conductance and the generation of noise at the 5/2 edge is investigated theoretically. This includes an analysis of potential structures describing the 5/2 edge within a common transport scheme and a comparison to experimental results. It is furthermore shown that the heat conductance of the most promising candidate is expected to be quantized to different values of the quantum of heat κ0 = π2kB2 /(3h) depending on the degree of thermal equilibration between the involved modes. Performing experiments with controlled thermal equilibration are therefore predicted to uncover even more details of the underlying structure.
Topological Quantum Matter , Fractional Quantum Hall , Condensed Matter Physics