lektrokemisk undersökning av katalysatorlagret i PEM-bränsleceller
Ladda ner
Hurtig, Adam
Eriksson, Joel
The fuel cell industry is an industry with tremendous potential, but before it can
reach new heights and mainstream use in society there are some obstacles to be
overcome. One of these is the heavy price tag of the used Platinum catalyst and
therefore the need to improve and optimize the use of said catalyst. A way of eva luating this optimisation is by analysing the electrochemically active surface area
(ECSA) of a catalyst coating, using a rotating disc electrode (RDE). This was done
for this project, where the effect of the dispersion on the catalyst ink and coating
was analysed using an RDE and a reliable method for the analysis is proposed. In
the beginning the results showed big fluctuations of ECSA and the method was
therefore considered too unreliable. A new method with 60 cleaning scans, run 2
times was therefore proposed and tested. This new method was deemed to achieve
reproducible results and was therefore used in subsequent analyses. These analyses
showed that dispersion of the ink is required for reproducible results and they in dicated that the ECSA decreases with increasing amplitude during dispersion and
increasing dispersion energy after a certain threshold. Although further investiga tion is required in order to confirm these indications. The maximum ECSA of 77,6
m2/gP t was found after dispersing an ink with 60% amplitude to a total energy of
6300 Ws.
ECSA , RDE , Cyklisk voltametri , MEA , PEM , Bränslecell , Katalysator , Ex-situ