Bounds on entropy production and its noise in bosonic systems
Examensarbete för masterexamen
Master's Thesis
Master's Thesis
Physics (MPPHS), MSc
Palmqvist, Didrik
When describing the thermodynamics of a device we are often interested in quantifying its performance, e.g. by its efficiency in converting a resource into useful output. In a general setting this
is characterized by the entropy production in a resource and entropy reduction in the working substance [26]. The efficiency is often a good measure of performance when working with macroscopic
machines, but when we are interested in describing nanoscale devices other aspects of performance are
important aswell. This is due to phenomena such as nonthermal resources being more common due to
the typical thermalization scales [26], and quantum phenomena in the transport of particles such as
coherence, interference and superposition [6]. A key difference is the presence of fluctuations, which
can often be of the same magnitude as average quantities in nanoscale devices. Fluctuations or noise
can limit the achievable precision in the thermodynamic performance of a device, and by extension its
useful applications. To understand precision in nanoscale devices is thus of crucial importance when
characterising performance.
In this thesis we consider multitermal nanoscale devices that can be described by scattering theory and the role fluctuations plays in their performance. The devices are modelled as reservoirs of
particles connected to one dimensional leads where particles propagate coherently as waves. The
leads are strongly coupled to each other in a scattering region [6]. Recently so called trade-off relations have been derived for such systems where the particles are fermions [2, 8], constraining precision.
Fermions are a type of fundamental particle, obeying the Pauli exclusion principle, which states that
two fermions can never occupy the same state at once. Examples of fermions are electrons and protons.
In this thesis we are mainly concerned with another type of fundamental particle, namely bosons. In
contrast to fermions, there is no limit to the number of bosons that can occupy the same state. This
difference has multiple implications for quantum statistical mechanics and transport of the two particle types. One such difference is that bosons display bunching, they tend to “stick” together during
transport which increases fluctuations, while fermions display anti-bunching, they stay apart which
decreases fluctuations. In this thesis we extend the trade-off relations of Ref. [2, 8] to bosonic systems.
Furthermore we make improvements to the relations of Ref. [2] which applies to both bosonic and
fermionic systems. We are also able to include more quantum effects in the trade-off relations which
can naturally be interpreted as bunching in the bosonic case and anti-bunching in the fermionic case.
By doing this we see in which way bunching decreases precision in bosonic systems, while increasing
it in fermionic systems. Finally we combine the two different types of relations to find an upper
and lower bound on the total entropy production in a multiterminal device with thermal reservoirs
described by scattering theory.
Quantum thermodynamics, Quantum transport, Scattering theory, Condensed matter physics