New products from seafood side streams to stimulate a circular economy
Examensarbete för kandidatexamen
Bachelor Thesis
Bachelor Thesis
The Paris Agreement implicates that society will take necessary action to prevent the global mean temperature to rise more than 1.5°C. Since 80% of greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture originate from livestock, a protein shift is needed. This project has investigated the possibilities to implement proteins recovered from solid and liquid seafood processing side streams in different types of food products including fish ball, fish sausage, fish soup and mayonnaise. The proteins were recovered from fish processing by-products using the pH-shift method and shrimp processing water using flocculation. Effect of using the alternative proteins on proximate composition (protein, moisture, fat and mineral content), color, texture and sensorial properties of the products were evaluated. The fish soups were found as the least promising products, due to the low protein content and low scores in the sensory analysis. The results showed that 50% substitution of salmon protein isolate in fish balls and fish sausages with fish mince had no negative impact on the products quality but problems with a complete replacement may arise, especially regarding texture and color of the products. The mayonnaises containing both fish and shrimp proteins showed promising properties compared to the samples with egg protein. It was concluded that more studies of products with isolate are needed. Taste tests, different ratios, of mince and isolate, and repeats of already performed tests and products would provide useful future knowledge.
Kemiska processer, Livsmedelsteknik, Livsmedelsvetenskap, Livsvetenskaper, Chemical Process Engineering, Food Engineering, Food Science, Life Science