A Numerical Study on Aero-Vibro Noise of a Transonic Cavity Flow
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Projektarbete, avancerad nivå
Project Report, advanced level
Project Report, advanced level
This report is part of a project course TRA270 Engineering Fluid-Structure Interactions
(FSI) that numerically investigates the Aero-Vibro noise of a transonic cavity.
Inspired by previous works this project sets up a numerical solution for this case
study. Therefore, the scope of the investigation is limited by several factors, primarily
the availability of computational resources and time to the nature of this project
being a course. After understanding the fundamentals of FSI, the M219 cavity is
meshed using an unstructured trimmed cell mesher with prism layer for the fluid
domain. The solid domain was discretized and coupled in STAR-CCM+ using a
quadrilateral mesh. The solid-fluid two-way coupled simulation was completed in
STAR-CCM+, with mostly standardized solver settings for ideal coupled flows and
non-elastic deformation. Sparlart-Allmaras (SA) turbulence model is used because
it provides a smaller mesh with faster computing time and provides results comparable
to the original report. In addition to investigating a hybrid RANS-LES method,
an unsteady RANS (URANS) method was investigated. A comparison between the
methods is presented where the change is observed to be substantial with a clear
and decisive advantage towards the hybrid method.
Fluid-Structure Interactions (FSI), Transonic, STAR-CCM+, Cavity flow, RANS, LES, IDDES, M219