Nasal Obstruction - Diagnosis and Prediction using Computational Fluid Dynamics - Using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to Study Nasal Obstructions and Studying Digital Demonstrations in Fluid Dynamics
Examensarbete för masterexamen
When a patient visits the doctor and expresses trouble breathing through the nose,
the diagnostic method and whether nasal surgery is needed comes with a lot of uncertainties.
Only around 60-80 % [27] of the patients are satisfied with the initial
procedure. In order to better understand the airflow in the nose and what consequence
the standard operations have, the airflow the nose have been simulated and
studied. Using CT-scans and 3D models CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics)
simulations have been done. In order to study what effect an operation would have,
these models have been altered according to common surgical procedures. The CFD
simulations for the 3D models resulted in reconstructed rhinomanometry curves (a
common measurement on patients with nasal obstruction) which have some similarities
with real rhinomanometry curves.
A lecture on the subject of fluid dynamics have also been performed for medical
students. This was used for studying how different formats of online teaching effects
learning. No significant difference in test results was found for different formats.
However, a majority of the participants enjoyed the lecture and see future possibilities
for collaboration with engineers.
Nasal obstruction, Rhinomanometry, CFD, k-epsilon model, online lecture