Next generation of trunks in battery electric vehicles
Examensarbete fƶr masterexamen
Product development (MPPDE), MSc
Andersson, Albin
The development of battery electric vehicles (BEV) has gained momentum during recent years and
the adoption rate will continue to increase. In 2020, 33 BEV models are expected to be released to
the European market, compared to only six models in 2017. This is one of many examples of the
development on the international BEV market. This project is based on the possibility to benefit
from the new architecture and new components in modern BEVs, when designing the carĀ“s trunk.
The project is limited to battery electric midsize station wagons for the European market and it is
only looking at storage compartments at the rear part of the car. The first part of the project aims at
analyzing technological prerequisites, customer needs and if there are any legal requirements that
must be considered when developing the trunk. Flexibility and ease of use are the most important
customer needs. The technological analysis showed that compared to a similar internal combustion
engine car, a station wagon BEV will have more space for the trunk. The legal requirements have
little impact on the design of the trunk. These findings were then used to find an effective concept
that could be developed into an innovative and improved trunk solution for station wagons BEVs.
This resulted in a trunk with an automatically height adjustable load floor in two sections, and a
closed compartment for secure storage and cooling of groceries. The design presented, is the first
iteration and multiple refinements are needed before the product can be implemented. The solution
offers a high volume, flexible and easy to use trunk solution.
trunk, boot, electric vehicle (EV), battery electric vehicle (BEV), station wagon, car , automotive