Technical Concept Study of an Electric Motorcycle Model
Examensarbete för masterexamen
Larger cities are beginning to phase out vehicles with combustion engines[14] and
the sales of electric motorcycles is simultaneously increasing[5]. Electric motorcycles
can be a more competitive alternative in urban areas since it often is cheaper than
other electrical vehicles. RGNT Motorcycles is a company making electric motorcycles
and are starting to investigating a new motorcycle model.
This project aims towards giving RGNT a good technical concept study to base
the development of this new model on. The aim is to produce the best conceivable
concepts of different sub-systems where there are significant performance gains to
be had. The focus will lie on developing concepts where effort has been put into
having reasonable materials and processes to be able to reduce the cost of the end
product. The concepts will be developed with a data driven product development
process following the methods described by G.Gustafsson [11]. Once concepts for
the different subsystems like frame, batteries and tyres have been developed, a prototype
will be designed and manufactured in order to test the performance of these
The project has produced results in some major investigation areas and they are as
follows. An evaluation of the current state of the latest model from RGNT which
helped in developing the problem definition. A frame and suspension geometry together
with a set of tyres to begin the practical testing with. It also resulted in a
battery pack enclosure design which would help keeping the cost of the swappable
battery packs low. A model for estimating the required energy storage capacity was
developed in order to make informed decisions about how to design a battery pack
in theory and for the prototype.
It could be concluded that the requirement specification set together with RGNT
in the beginning of the project might need to be adjusted slightly to be closer to
the wanted end result of this concept. The current requirement of a 100 km range
together with 100 km/h top speed makes the battery system unnecessarily large and
compromises the wanted packaging. Lowering the range and top speed requirement
slightly would decrease this effect. It was also concluded that a pressed steel frame
could lead to great cost saving but that there are plenty of work left before this
concept can be implemented.
Electric Motorcycle, Prototype, Swappable Battery Pack,, Sheet Pressed Formed Frame