Optimering av processparametrar hos Cap-EDI pilotanläggning för effektiviserad eluering av 7Li från simulerad reaktorkylvattenmatris
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Axberg, Anton
Capacitive deionization, Cap-EDI, is an ion separation technology which offers new
possibilities in the field of nuclear power. 7Li is an important isotope used in the coolant water
in pressurized water reactors, the isotope is however expensive and there is interest in seeing
whether or not the isotope can be recycled from the reactor coolant water. Previous tests have
shown that Cap-EDI can be used to successfully extract 7Li from reactor coolant water. There
are however questions regarding the optimization of the elution of enriched 7Li from the Cap-
EDI. This study will evaluate which settings on the process parameters; flow and voltage,
gives the best elution of enriched 7Li from the Cap-EDI in order to achieve the highest
concentration of 7Li in the eluate. The optimization of the two process parameters was done
through the testing of four factorial tests based on a 22 factorial design. Results showed that
the highest concentration of 7Li in the eluate was achieved when a high flow and a high
voltage was used. Calculations based on the test results pointed to interaction effects between
the two parameters, which was expected from the literature study. The final result did
however go against expectations in that a low flow with a high voltage was the anticipated
combination which would generate the highest concentration of 7Li ions in the eluate.
Capacitive deionization , CDI , MCDI , Cap-EDI , Lithium-7 , 7Li , Recycling , Nuclear power , Pressurized water reactor , PWR