Electrification of Regional Buses and Possibilities of Shared Charging with Other Transportation Modes: What impact does the electrification of transportation modes have on the electric grid? A case study in Lysekil
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Examensarbete för masterexamen
Master's Thesis
Master's Thesis
To reduce emissions originating from the transport sector, electrifying long-range
heavy transportation modes such as regional buses and trucks is crucial. However,
an identified obstacle in the early phases of electrification is the lack of required
charging infrastructure, to which shared charging has emerged as a possible solution.
Therefore, the objective of this study is to investigate the possibilities of
electrifying regional buses and examine the feasibility of shared charging with other
transportation modes to accelerate implementation. Additionally, the impact of extensive
electrification on the power grid remains uncertain. To address this aspect a
case study was conducted in Lysekil, examining the impact on a limited geographical
area. The overall method used was a gap analysis which was applied to the case
study of Lysekil, in turn consisting of three parts. Firstly, the energy consumption
and necessary charging infrastructure for electrifying a regional bus were estimated.
Secondly, other transportation modes that could potentially share charging in the
area were identified, and their respective charging demands were assessed. Finally,
the charging demands from all transportation modes were compiled and added upon
current electric consumption in Lysekil to evaluate the overall impact. Results indicate
that it is possible to electrify a regional bus, where the most suitable sharing
options for the examined route were with trucks charging overnight, or sharing grid
connection with the locally operating electric ferry. The resulting charging demand
from the electrification of heavy transport modes has a notable impact on the power
grid, but to what extent depends majorly on the future share of electric trucks. In
addition, the impact resulting from the electrification of personal cars and related
charging will presumably have a large impact on the grid but was not taken into
account due to uncertainties of the charging patterns. It is indicated that flexible
solutions such as installing energy storage could reduce the required installed power
output, and thereby reduce the load on the grid and risk of congestion. Therefore,
to use the electrification of the transport sector as an asset, it is important to apply
a system perspective.
electrification, regional buses, electric trucks, charging demand, shared charging, charging infrastructure, electromobility