Road Growth Modeling

dc.contributor.authorLodin, Johan
dc.contributor.departmentChalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för energi och miljösv
dc.contributor.departmentChalmers University of Technology / Department of Energy and Environmenten
dc.description.abstractLand development and infrastructure growth are two co-evolving processes. When studying long-term urban evolution it is useful to model both processes in parallel but co-dependently. The focus in this thesis is a novel road growth model that extends and adapts an existing land use model. The model transforms land use into interactions—a form of abstract traffic-like quantities—between every pair land lots. Each interaction needs to find a path from its start lot to its destination. If it is more efficient to extend the existing road network then a new road is suggested. Though each land lot pair acts independently when finding the path between the pair, a level co-operation occurs in the model as suggestions may add up. The model formulation turns out to have a scale-invariant property and a possible connection to the fractal-like structures of real road networks is explored. The model is open-ended with regards to the underlying geography, but makes several simplifications; only one type of traffic is considered, all roads have infinite capacity and equal speed limits, and travel time is approximated by ailabi-lity and Euclidean distance. Care has been taken to make the model implementable in a computer with a reasonable amount of working memory even when there are many land lots, at the cost of increased computing power. A large part of the model is however parallelizable and some ap- plicable time-saving techniques are recognized. A brief overview of relevant aspects of infrastructure in general—and road networks in particular—is also presented, giving a basis for model evaluation.
dc.subjectPhysical Sciences
dc.titleRoad Growth Modeling
dc.type.degreeExamensarbete för masterexamensv
dc.type.degreeMaster Thesisen

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