STL files to CAD format for topology optimized structures
Examensarbete för masterexamen
Recently, topology optimization technique has acquired lot of interest across the
industries because of its ability to develop lightweight efficient designs that also
brings other functional benefits. But one of the difficulties is the complexity of the
design to manufacture. Recent developments prove that complex designs can be
easily manufactured using additive manufacturing. With the synergy of topology
optimization and additive manufacturing, industries are aiming to gain more bene fits. Siemens Energy, with the knowledge and capability to manufacture components
using additive manufacturing, is now interested in implementing non-traditional de sign technique like topology optimization to take the next leap in the development
of its products. In the process of implementation, Siemens Energy face some issues
in handling the STL geometries from topology optimization. The STL files possess
some defects that prevent the engineers to use the geometries similarly to other files
handled in CAD system. This thesis is to develop a method to repair the STL issues
within Siemens NX environment and transform the STL file to CAD format. The
method would assist design engineers at Siemens Energy to fix the STL issues in
future that enable the STL geometry to be used similarly to other CAD files. The
thesis also explores the feasibility of automation of the repairing process in order to
reduce the manual labour.
This was achieved by the exploratory study that began with literature review
to explore about STL file format and various STL errors followed by exploration of
Siemens NX CAD in the direction to repair STL. Later automation feasibility was
investigated in NX. The method to fix STL issues is devised using use cases. STL
issues were successfully addressed to develop a CAD format of the models using
NX CAD. The limitations and feasibility of automation in NX was studied. NX
Open tool with C# language was used in the project. A method that shall help the
design engineers to fix the STL issues is proposed. In the end, future work towards
automation and other possible explorations are summarised.
Polygon modeling, STL error repair, Siemens NX CAD, Automation in NX