Research and development of a client portal: Increasing functionality and efficiency for a recycling subscription
Examensarbete för masterexamen
Master's Thesis
Master's Thesis
Upon initiation of this project, the recycling company with which the project was carried out in
collaboration desired the outcome to be a solution that would create added value for their
clients. With ambitions like understanding the clients’ needs and desires regarding recycling in
offices and to investigate how digital solutions could be implemented in recycling, a vision
became definite; to create a client portal tailored to the office segment that strengthens the
relationship between client and company by improving communication, creating clarity and
trust between the parties. An additional ambition was to integrate the principles of Design for
Sustainable Behavior into the solution, enabling users to minimize their climate impact
connected to waste management.
To gain a comprehensive understanding of the company’s prerequisites and the users’ needs,
various methodologies were employed, including client and employee interviews, service staff
observations, and an ideation workshop. Based on the insights gained from these activities, a
digital prototype of the client portal was developed, which underwent rigorous evaluation with
users, primarily focusing on its functionality. Incorporating feedback from the user evaluations,
an updated version of the client portal was created and once again subjected to evaluation, this
time emphasizing its usability. Ultimately, a client portal for a recycling subscription was
designed and tested by clients, yielding very positive results.
UX design | UI design | Usability | Design for Sustainable Behavior | Recycling