Product and business development in successful start-up companies
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Examensarbete för masterexamen
Master Thesis
Master Thesis
Abstract During the 2017/ 2018 semester, the product development project ‘Lamera Housing Project’ was performed at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden. The goal of the project was to explore the product idea of a self-bearing construction exclusively made out of Hybrix TM, a sandwich structured lightweight material developed by the Swedish company Lamera. The self-bearing construction was intended to be used as a shelter for emergency relieving situations. This thesis project was a continuation of that development project, to continue developing the product concept and develop a start-up company around it. This also included a literature study to explore the specific topic of Product Development Strategies and Business Development Management in Start-Up Companies. Three objectives were defined for the project, (1) distinguish the product development strategies and business development management making start-up companies successful, (2) develop a start-up company around the idea of a self-bearing construction to be used in emergency relieving situations, and (3) realize the product idea of the self-bearing construction. The literature study resulted in the creation of a theory that business development management should be aimed towards investing in the personal traits of the entrepreneur, such as the ability to handle success, ability to recognize opportunity, ability to take on challenges, learn from mistakes and have a good perseverance and determination. That theory also included that the human capital and social capital of the entrepreneur should be focused on through the business development management. The social capital provides knowledge through relationships with potential partners, suppliers, customers. The human capital implies the experience, knowledge and capacities of the entrepreneur. It also was found that a start-up company should aim its product development strategies towards innovation and growth. Since it lies in the nature of start-up companies to be innovative, and they share the common goal of growing. Objective 2 and 3, regarding the development of the self-bearing construction and a business around it, were considered fulfilled. Objective 1 was not fulfilled in the sense that specific product development strategies and business development management in successful start-up companies were identified. Either way, the theory regarding what those operations should be focused towards provided interesting knowledge on the nature of start-up success and entrepreneurship.
Produktion, Innovation och entreprenörskap (nyttiggörande), Annan teknik, Production, Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Other Engineering and Technologies