The evolution and functionality of the branch development project Biogas Väst - an innovation system approach

dc.contributor.authorAhlbäck, Anders
dc.contributor.departmentChalmers tekniska högskola / COMESAsv
dc.contributor.departmentChalmers University of Technology / COMESAen
dc.description.abstractIn order to cope with increasing environmental degradation and global warming, there seems to have developed a consensus of that the energy system of today most be changed, or at least, radically modified. To reach such changes, initiating projects of different kinds to support the development and establishment of environmentally friendly technologies is a powerful tool. Several political initiatives, such as funding of research and development, and demonstration and branch development projects, have been carried out in Sweden in resent decades. The Biogas Väst project is a branch development project, carried out in the region of Västra Götaland (in the western of Sweden), which aims at promoting the production and use of biogas in the transportation sector. This thesis will evaluate the design of the Biogas Väst project and describe the functionality of the regional biogas system. Innovation system theory will be used as a theoretical background in order to derive a set of design criteria, which will be used in the analysis of the Biogas Väst project. The derived criteria differ depending on the state of development the innovation system under study has reached. A survey of the actors, networks and the institutional framework that constitutes the regional biogas system has been done, mainly through interviews of important actors. The Biogas Väst project has supported formation of networks between actors involved in the biogas system. In addition, an advocacy coalition on a local scale has formed and influenced the institutional framework. However, based on the design criteria, no niche market has been identified and explored in the Göteborg region, and some, perhaps crucial, actors have not been induced to participate. The practice of the green gas principle could benefit the natural gas industry as much as the biogas industry.
dc.relation.ispartofseriesReport - Department of Environmental Systems Analysis, Chalmers University of Technology : 2003:10
dc.subjectEnvironmental engineering
dc.titleThe evolution and functionality of the branch development project Biogas Väst - an innovation system approach
dc.type.degreeExamensarbete för masterexamensv
dc.type.degreeMaster Thesisen

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