To reach a circular economy - Waste streams at Göteborg Energi
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Examensarbete för masterexamen
Master Thesis
Master Thesis
The aim of this master thesis is to be part of Göteborg Energi’s transition towards a circular economy. Circular economy means, among others, maximize the value of resources through loop-closing. The purpose of this study is to map the waste streams that arise throughout the value chain of Göteborg Energi. Moreover, a framework that can be used to identify which waste streams that should be prioritized to decrease the environmental impact from waste is presented, and used for the waste stream at Göteborg Energi. In addition, the study identifies Göteborg Energi’s contribution towards a circular economy, and what Göteborg Energi can improve to reduce the waste quantities. This is done through personal contacts with the waste contractors, reviewing literatures and internal documents. The result show that 9274 ton non-hazardous and 1780 ton hazardous waste were generated within Göteborg Energi in 2015. The framework that are developed suggests that the aspects that are important to consider when identifying which waste streams that should be prioritized are covered by three of Sweden’s environmental objectives: reduced climate impact, a non-toxic environment, and a good built environment. For a reduced climate impact the emissions of CO2-eq upstream and downstream are calculated. For a non-toxic environment, waste streams that may contain substances that should be phased out are identified. For a good built environment, the share of each waste stream and the waste hierarchy are used to identify which waste streams that should be prioritized. This study concludes that the non-hazardous waste streams that should be prioritized within Göteborg Energi are: ashes, contaminated loads, waste to sorting, and other non-hazardous waste. The hazardous waste streams that should be prioritized are: PCB transformers, other hazardous waste and contaminated loads, followed by sludge that contain hazardous substances, and pylons. Göteborg Energi is, among others, working with industrial symbiosis and recycling many waste streams. Some of the identified improvements that Göteborg Energi can implement to reduce the waste quantities are: increased recycling rate of recyclable materials, improved purchase of products, verification of chemical content in products, and demand an improved feedback from the waste contractors.
Energi, Hållbar utveckling, Miljövetenskap, Energy, Sustainable Development, Environmental Sciences