Development of a Sustainable, Adaptable and Modular Room Divider for Residences
Examensarbete för masterexamen
Master's Thesis
Master's Thesis
Product development (MPPDE), MSc
Bai, Wiliam
Velin, Emma
With the rise of urbanization, there is a growing need for smart solutions in com pact spaces and simplified renovation processes. A room divider is a creative design
solution that fulfills both the ability to maximize space utilization and simplify ren ovations.
The development of a modular, adaptable, and sustainable room divider, empha sizes the integration of the room divider with the housing interior, aligning with
the emerging trends of minimalism and biophilic design to enhance aesthetics and
create an improved home environment. The modular, adaptable, and sustainable
characteristics of the room divider have the potential to improve living standards in
small spaces. The ease of usage and customization, coupled with the utilization of
renewable materials, contribute to its broad market appeal and enhanced sustain ability.
Using a design development methodology, the study explores various possibilities
and systematically generates optimal concepts, resulting in two concepts. They fea ture a minimalist design with integrated biophilic elements, are modular and provide
users with the flexibility to customize the room divider according to their prefer ences. Additionally, the use of a renewable material, pine, ensures a sustainable
solution that aligns with environmental consciousness. The concepts are concept
Vertical, which has the ability to rotate the modules, and concept Turning Puzzle
which has the ability to be assembled in various configurations.
urbanization, design, room divider, modular, adaptable, sustainable, minimalism, biophilic design.