Validation Of Production System at PSL
Examensarbete för masterexamen
Production engineering (MPPEN), MSc
Bhandesh, Shreyas
Sainz de la Fuente Delon, Luis Miguel
The production system lab at Johanneberg, Goteborg is a research lab that ad dresses projects related to industrial automation and virtual commissioning. This
master thesis project aimed to analyse, verify, and validate the complete chain
from design/assembly of a physically manufactured product virtually and physi cally. The assembly of the product is carried out by two ABB robots i.e., IRB4600
and IRB1600. A digital twin of the current state of the PSL is developed to per form all the tests for the design/assembly of the product before its implementa tion in the real world.
For the design/construction of a digital twin the following methodology is used;
data collection, equipment design, layout design, calibration, product design, pro cess planning and virtual validation. The physical validation is also implemented
in order to verify and compare the results obtained in the virtual platform. The
design and construction of the digital twin as well as the simulation of assem bly operation was done using 3DExperience. For the design of the product and
equipment needed Solidworks was used whereas 3Dprinting was the manufacturing
process chosen for the physical implementation. Several calibration methods were
performed on all the equipment in the PSL to increase the accuracy of both the
physical model and the virtual model. Along with the methodology followed, this
project aimed to answer the research questions that are presented in the report.
The results of the project suggest that the virtual model and the physical model
are alike but at the end a virtual model is a virtual representation of something
real, therefore 100% accuracy can not be achieved, nevertheless virtual manufac turing proven to be a very efficient tool that can be used by companies to improve
the performance of the process, decrease time to market as well as save on cost
due to errors in manufacturing.
Digital twin, Calibration, 3D experience, online programming, ABB Robot