Teknisk och ekonomisk analys av ny teknik för att simultant reducera emissioner av NOx och SOx från förbränning
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Bachelor Thesis
Bachelor Thesis
To avoid environmental problems such as eutrophication and acidification, it is necessary to reduce emissions of nitrogen and sulfur oxides (NOx and SOx) from combustion ue gases. As of now, there are several established ways to remove NOx and SOx, but these are usually performed in separate facilities. This project has dimensioned and evaluated a simultaneous process which is based on the absorption of NOx and SOx. The two main components of the process are a reactor, in which chlorine dioxide (ClO2) is used as an oxidizing agent, and a subsequent absorber where water and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) are used to control the absorption. Various parameters' impact on removal efficiency has been examined by simulation in Aspen Plus. The main parameters which has been investigated in this project are the molar ratio ClO2/NO into the reactor, fresh water consumption, NaOH consumption and the height of the absorber. Values of these parameters have been established and have resulted in removal efficiencies of 97.7 % and 100 % for NOx and SOx respectively. In Aspen Plus, a cost estimate was made which has resulted in capital and operating costs of 140 MSEK and 187 MSEK/year. This corresponds to an annualized cost of 197 MSEK/year. These results depend on several parameters and assumptions made during the simulation.
Energiteknik, Hållbar utveckling, Energi, Energy Engineering, Sustainable Development, Energy