Learn to explore and explore to learn - A multiple case study on how RISE’s CoCreation workshop format can create value
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Examensarbete för masterexamen
Master Thesis
Master Thesis
Management and economics of innovation (MPMEI), MSc
Aspvall, Veronika
Svennberg, Cecilia
Innovation is often seen as critical to the longevity of an organization, and equally hard to manage. Being able to explore new opportunities and ideas is key to an organization’s ability to innovate. Further, exploration have been found to be important to organizational learning. An organization's ability to learn is also related to its innovation capabilities. This study’s general focus will be on exploratory processes and how such processes can contribute to organizational learning. The exploratory process and organizational learning perspectives will be applied to understand how RISE’s CoCreation workshop can create value for participating organizations. The purpose is to identify key prerequisites for successful workshops as well as necessary prerequisites within the receiving organization for them to capture value. A qualitative multiple case study is used, investigating six organizations that have participated in a CoCreation workshop. Within the cases interviews are used as the main data collection method, the cases are also complemented with participant observation at one workshop, and an additional survey. The organizations differed a lot in their intent with the workshop, in their post workshop activities and in gained values. Prerequisites for a successful workshop and value capture has been found, and based on those a workshop process framework has been constructed. In the framework, prerequisites are divided into what is needed when preparing a workshop, during the workshop itself and to succeed with post workshop activities. A CoCreation workshop can be a powerful way of creating new ideas. The strength of the format of the format lies in conceptualization and the mix of participant perspectives. The workshop can be a part of an exploratory process, with a potential to increase organizational learning. To achieve that, post workshop activities are important. In that way organizations can gain dynamic values, such as knowledge and collaboration. External workshop organizers are thus recommended to give attention to supporting preparations and post workshop activities.
Informations- och kommunikationsteknik , Innovation och entreprenörskap (nyttiggörande) , Systemvetenskap, informationssystem och informatik , Informatik och systemvetenskap , Medieteknik , Företagsekonomi , Information & Communication Technology , Innovation & Entrepreneurship , Information Systems , Informatics and systems science , Media and Communication Technology , Business Administration