Design of the Ship Officer’s Bridge for Autonomous Electric Water Shuttles
Examensarbete för masterexamen
Master's Thesis
Master's Thesis
This project is conducted to design an area that ensures the safety and comfort of
the ship officer and the passengers on CStrider’s boats. The main objective is to
provide a concept for the ship officer’s bridge that CStrider AB can use as a basis
for future development and testing.
The project utilizes an approach that includes multiple steps to achieve said objective.
A planning and preparation phase was conducted to frame the project, analyze
competitors and identify stakeholders. This research helps identify necessary parameters
for the development of the space.
Based on the findings from the previous phases, two concepts emerge from a concept
generation and elimination phase that are presented to CStrider. One concept is
developed with comfort as the main factor and the other with space-saving as the
main factor. An additional concept for the counting system that does not include the
space is also presented. After revising said concepts, they are prototyped at actual
scale using low-resolution materials in CStrider’s workshop. Testing candidates
are brought in to the workshop to perform some role playing scenarios where they
pretend to be a ship officer as they board passengers, utilize their space, and lastly,
deboard the passengers. Feedback is given from the candidates and analyzed.
After the feedback from the conducted tests, a final concept emerges which is a
combination between the comfortable concept and the space-saving concept to reach
an optimal design. The result includes a space that contains adjustable seating, a
standing mat, a dashboard with large buttons with decals and embossed labels as
well as adjustable screens, a visor over the dashboard, storage for personal items and
lastly, a handle. The space is contained by a front wall that has an L shape which
is mainly transparent but opaque up to the height of the locker as well as a paneled
emergency door that folds into the corner when not in use. A hook is placed on the
outside of the L extension to provide the ship officer the ability to hang wet clothes
or accessories. Lastly, an FMEA is performed to identify potential failure modes in
the components that the concept consists of.
The outcome from this project can be used as a foundation by CStrider to further
develop their optimal ship officer space and recommendations for the future are
presented. Recommendations include further steps that CStrider can take to validate
the result of the project, as well as recommendations of alterations to the final design
to lower the costs if desired.
Autonomous boats, product development, user-centered design, ship bridge