User-friendly method for estimation of the cost and weight of passenger cars' electric system layout
Examensarbete för masterexamen
Product development (MPPDE), MSc
Jyrkäs, Axel
Ljungquist, Gustav
Volvo Car Corporation follows the current trend of electrifying cars. A consequence
of the heavy investments put into electrification is uncertainty regarding the evaluation
of where the high voltage system components are placed in the car. By placing
a component in the front of the car, while the rest of the high voltage components
are in the back, will result in a high voltage cable being run from one end to the
other. This lengthy high voltage cable will drive both the cost and weight of the
car. Evaluation of the placement in terms of cost and weight has not been done
before to the degree which this thesis has done. Influenced by 11 articles and 6 software,
a simple yet effective evaluation tool was developed. The tool is divided into
two parts, a calculation interface for showing the cost and weight, and a graphical
interface which allows the engineer to try varying positions for the components in
the car. The calculation interface was developed into a proof of concept/minimum
viable product to quickly achieve feedback in the agile development. The results are
promising, as it accurately shows the cost and weight of the connection between two,
or more, components in the car. With this evaluation tool, concept development
will be made more efficient and quickly deliver results.
Concept development, Electric system layout, Electric vehicle, , Evaluation method, Evaluation tool, High voltage system, Mechanical engineering , Method development, Product development