Computer based tools in the HVAC design process. Interface and data transfer between modeling in Revit and supporting draw- and simulation tools (especially with focus on handling geometries and information- /data transfer)

dc.contributor.authorSandberg, Jonas
dc.contributor.departmentChalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för energi och miljösv
dc.contributor.departmentChalmers University of Technology / Department of Energy and Environmenten
dc.description.abstractThe purpose with the thesis is to examine the link between modeling in Revit with other drawing programs and simulation tools and to examine the possibilities and limitations for transferring data between the different program modules, i.e. which data transfer between the programs is possible. Revit MEP 2011 will be in focus and along with the purpose above a sub-purpose will be to explore and evaluate the internal features of Revit MEP 2011 and by this Revit MEP will be evaluated to which extent it can benefit to rationalize the HVAC design process. In order to approach the concept of BIM there is a need to gather information from third party software’s. The ideal scenario is that this information can be utilized by Revit, in such way information will not have to be re-defined repetitiously throughout the building process. Revit is a relatively new program which can be compared to AutoCad, in the case for Revit though, the manufacturer claims that the program should be more user-friendly in the matter of utilizing previously defined information. Based on this, the possibilities are good for the actors in the building industry to make their operation more effective, not only regarding time and economy but also the easement in communication between different actors in the process. The result of the analysis is that at the present date there are few third party software’s that are integrated with Revit MEP on a two-way basis. The model created in Revit can be exported to most software’s in some way, but in most cases this is where the loop of information stops. This means that if the original Revit model is revised then a new export has to be performed. Some software’s have a tight integration with Revit though, such as the Autodesk Solar Radiation Technology Preview. This is a good example of how information exchange and update should run, with information exchange on a two-way basis and where the revised model also is updated in the external software, although the actual usage of the software can be questioned. Regarding Revit MEP 2011 as a tool in the HVAC design process, the analyze shows that it performs well or more than well on most areas except for simulations and calculations of the energy. The calculation method is simplified and the calculation procedure is hidden for the II CHALMERS Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2011:01 user. This combination reduces the use of Revit MEP 2011 as a tool for the performance of simulations and calculations regarding energy, which constitutes a significant part of the HVAC design process. Nonetheless, the fact that MagiCad is integrated in Revit MEP as an “add-in” makes it a powerful tool in the HVAC design process as all the features of MagiCad is possessed in combination with the BIM approached mode of operation that Revit enables.
dc.relation.ispartofseriesExamensarbete - Institutionen för energi och miljö, Avdelningen för installationsteknik, Chalmers tekniska högskola : E2011:01
dc.subjectBuilding Futures
dc.subjectBuilding Futures
dc.subjectBuilding engineering
dc.titleComputer based tools in the HVAC design process. Interface and data transfer between modeling in Revit and supporting draw- and simulation tools (especially with focus on handling geometries and information- /data transfer)
dc.type.degreeExamensarbete för masterexamensv
dc.type.degreeMaster Thesisen

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