System design of an FPGA and analog based point-to-point wireless link

dc.contributor.authorSvensson, Aron
dc.contributor.authorFlod, Jonathan
dc.contributor.departmentChalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för mikroteknologi och nanovetenskapsv
dc.contributor.departmentChalmers University of Technology / Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscienceen
dc.description.abstractIn today’s event and media industry big screens and projectors are used to an increasing extent. The video resolution increases with time and so does the bandwidth that is required to transfer the signals. Electrical coaxial or optical cables provide the required bandwidth with a low latency and high reliability but also comes with high costs and requires much work for mounting and demounting. However, cables require more planning and work regarding the installation and therefore a wireless solution may be preferable, as long as the reliability and performance can be guaranteed. The purpose of this thesis was to explore the possibility to implement a one-way wireless link for streaming of high-definition video with similar performance to commonly used wired solutions. This was done using existing and relatively low cost materials. The system was designed for use in the 60 GHz spectrum. Based on the project prerequisites and theoretical studies D-BPSK was chosen as modulation technique. The system was also designed for a data bandwidth of 1.485 Gbit/s, which is compliant with the HD-SDI standard. The system was implemented using both VHDL design together with FPGAs and selfdesigned PCBs. The FPGA parts consist of video processing and encoding functions while the PCBs contain components for modulation and demodulation of the signal. To make a complete link two radio front ends and antennas are needed, which were not developed in the scope of this thesis. The most comprehensive tests were conducted using all the parts implemented during the project and a video signal as input. Instead of front ends and antennas the system was connected using waveguide attenuators. The results from the tests show that it is possible to achieve a high data rate in the 60 GHz region using relatively simple methods. The components used and developed in this project did however prove to be susceptible to interference, largely due to how the signal ground was handled. By improving the overall build quality of the system as well as some minor design flaws, a highly reliable system should be in reach. In the future the system should be tested in real-world applications together with front ends and antennas. If desired the concept should also allow for higher data rates using more capable components and higher order modulation techniques.
dc.subjectInformations- och kommunikationsteknik
dc.subjectInbäddad systemteknik
dc.subjectInformation & Communication Technology
dc.subjectCommunication Systems
dc.subjectEmbedded Systems
dc.titleSystem design of an FPGA and analog based point-to-point wireless link
dc.type.degreeExamensarbete för masterexamensv
dc.type.degreeMaster Thesisen
local.programmeWireless, photonics and space engineering (MPWPS), MSc
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