Intelligent Compaction - Autonomous Compactor Concept Evaluation

dc.contributor.authorBotev, Viktor
dc.contributor.authorAzidhak, Amirfarzad
dc.contributor.departmentChalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers)sv
dc.contributor.departmentChalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)en
dc.description.abstractAutonomous vehicles are approaching the future of our everyday life. There are many research projects going on for autonomous cars, autonomous trucks, and autonomous robots. Each of those is solving particular problems in its field. In addition to this family of vehicles, this thesis report will add one more perspective to the topic. It is presenting a concept for a construction site vehicle such as compactor and it is autonomous driving capabilities in order to facilitate work of road paving. The current process for road paving does not consider online monitoring of the asphalt density, which makes the quality of the pavement hard to verify. Recent research allowed online monitoring based on artificial intelligence algorithms. However, there is a problem that the drivers could not react fast enough to the results of the sensors, which, on the other hand, causes over or under compacted regions. Moreover, eventually the final results are cracks and holes on the pavement in a couple of years, which does not suffice the increased demand in the standards for 20 years warranty for highways. In order to solve this problem, the current report is focusing on combining the knowledge from the autonomous vehicles area and intelligent asphalt analyzing to propose a new concept. This concept is for a product that will improve the quality of the pavement, which will follow the safety requirements and will not significantly increase the price of a compactor. In the concept, autonomous and semi-autonomous modes for the machine will be evaluated for easier adaption in the industry. Special attention will be given to sensor fusion for facilitating positioning and maintaining movement accuracy satisfying paving process requirements. The results from this report show that the scientific and industry requirements could be covered. Also, a system such as autonomous compactor could be implemented with the current technology in a company without significantly raising the cost of the machines.
dc.subjectData- och informationsvetenskap
dc.subjectComputer and Information Science
dc.titleIntelligent Compaction - Autonomous Compactor Concept Evaluation
dc.type.degreeExamensarbete för masterexamensv
dc.type.degreeMaster Thesisen
local.programmeComputer systems and networks (MPCSN), MSc

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