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Projektarbete, avancerad nivå
Project Report, advanced level
Project Report, advanced level
Wagné, Erica
Gabrielsson, Magnus
Chen, Ziyue
Our vision has been to create a sense of home. To do so, we have emphasized the concept of the village. Therefore, the living units have been
arranged to create both a sense of individuality and social inclusion.
We have worked primarily with three building typologies. The suburban,
the urban, and the modern. This is to create the same feeling of diversity,
variety, and distinctiveness as would be experienced in the urban landscape of the outside world.
For the living units we have chosen rather domestic typologies reminiscent
of traditional dwelling. The suburban living units are placed on the eastern
side of the plot. This is to create a connection and continuity with the surrounding low-scale residential area of Utby. On the top of the hill, to the
south-west, we have chosen to place the larger, more urban, structures.
These overlook the landscape and create a distinct “town-like” silhouette.
For the common and administrative areas, such as the entrance building,
café, and the handmaking area, we have however chosen a modern design language with the use of glass, steel and both sharp and organic
shapes. Consequently, these buildings create a contrast to the more traditional style of the living units.
In between the buildings we have put a lot of weight on the parks and
courtyards. The green courtyards connect all the buildings on the different
layers with pathways and small squares to further emphasis the village
concept. But additionally, the green areas are seen as essential for health
promotion and well-being. So, they are designed for variety and different
kinds of stimulation for the senses. There are for example active spaces
for gardening or boule, as well as quiet spaces for meditation or to just
enjoy the view.
Whoever the residents of this dementia village are, or wherever they come
from, our intention is that they will feel at home, safe, and part of a lively
and inclusive community.