Automation of Large Low-Volume Products: A feasibility and concept study on automated welding of hauler body wear plates
Examensarbete för masterexamen
This master’s thesis deals with the conceptual development of a production concept for
automated welding of hauler body wear plates at Volvo Construction Equipment in Braås.
There is a need to investigate and emphasize the potential for possible future adoptions of
automated and flexible welding systems, for improved production efficiency and a better
work environment. Interviews, observations, and literature studies were carried out to
map the current state and identify the needs and scope. The needs and scope formed the
foundation of the concept development process, which included rigorous concept gen eration, evaluation, and selection processes. Relevant areas and problems were further
analysed and investigated to assess the technical base, test the validity of alternatives,
and quantify unknowns and weaknesses. A final and indicative production concept was
compiled concerning robotics and a workpiece positioner. Mainly, the production concept
enables efficient, flexible, and autonomous robot welding of hauler body wear plates, sig nificantly reducing the manual labour of welding wear plates. Furthermore, the presented
production concept also provides a better and safer working environment, increased pro duction capacity, reduced TTM, reduced risk of MSDs, increased production system flex ibility, and minimisation of material handling losses.
welding, GMAW, autonomous, positioner, robot cell, system design, manufacturing, flexible