Drivers’ Needs while reversing with a High Capacity Transport Combination

Examensarbete för masterexamen
Master's Thesis
Product development (MPPDE), MSc
Vesmes, Aime
The greenhouse gas emissions are today a global problem and the transportation sector significantly contributes to these emissions. By improving the energy efficiency of transports, the emissions can be reduced. To use High Capacity Transport (HCT) combinations a truck can transport larger volumes of goods while the emissions per transported tonne of goods reduces. However, difficulties with driving HCT combinations have arisen, particularly while reverse driving. The thesis aims to recommend solutions to decrease the reversing time for HCT combinations by investigating the drivers’ needs while reversing with an HCT combination. In order to fulfill the aim, three primary activities were accomplished. Firstly, a drivers’ needs study was conducted to identify drivers’ opinions and needs while reversing with an HCT combination. The result from the study led to four main insights; an HCT combination must acquire the correct specifications to suit the specific transportation mission, drivers should be given sufficient time and opportunities to practice before driving an HCT combination, external aids are essential for enabling efficient reversings when the visibility is impaired, and the layout of terminals significantly affects how efficient a reversing becomes. Secondly, a market analysis was performed to study existing support systems available on the market. Lastly, a usability test with a cab simulator was carried out to investigate to what extent a simulator could be used for training, compared to real life driving. Findings from these three activities resulted in nine recommendations aimed at reducing the reverse driving time for HCT combinations. These recommendations are directed toward three receivers: Volvo GTT, haulers, and terminals. The most prioritized recommendation calls upon Volvo GTT to inform the sales personnel about HCT combinations and ensure that they possess sufficient knowledge to sell the most suitable combination for the customers’ transport mission. Haulers need to provide time for drivers to practice and invest in external aids. Terminals should adapt the area for longer vehicle combinations, and perform regular maintenance on the terminal area. For future research, potential areas of investigation could involve comparing the use of rearview mirrors versus camera systems used instead of mirrors when reversing with HCT combinations, or exploring why people are influenced differently in a cab simulator.
High Capacity Transport (HCT), reverse driving, customer needs study, usability testing, simulator
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