Exploring Data Monetization to Customers Outside the Core Business
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Data is playing an increasingly important role in the embedded systems domain.
Embedded systems companies are collecting vast amounts of data that hold signifi cant value due to its uniqueness and irreplicability. This data is not being exploited
to its full potential value. Currently, embedded systems companies are exploring
how their data can be of value to their core business and current customers. How ever, the data can also be of value to stakeholders outside the boundaries of the
core business. This study set out to explore how embedded systems companies can
monetize their data outside of their core business, to new, secondary customers.
Semi-structured interviews, as part of a multiple case study, showed that companies
within the domain have an interest in monetizing data to secondary customers, but
lack a clear way of finding and developing such business opportunities. The Data to
Secondary Customers Exploration Model (DSCEM), developed in this study, aims
to guide embedded systems companies in finding data monetization ideas worth
pursuing with full-scale solutions. The DSCEM was validated through three means:
validation interviews with practitioners, simulating use cases, and applying it to two
real use cases in a workshop.
Data, data monetization, data exploitation, embedded systems, agile, lean, multiple case study, data-as-an-asset, data-as-a-service, secondary customer