Community Hub: a way to connect a safe food production in Jhenaida
Projektarbete, avancerad nivå
Project Report, advanced level
Project Report, advanced level
Baudriller, Laszlo
Binerowska, Marta
Ernvik, Josua
Rodriguez , Andrea
Reis, Nora
How can organic fruits and vegetables be promoted in and around the town of Jhenaidah in Bangladesh? How can farming in homesteads be made easier and how can the surplus crops reach buyers who are yearning for safe and healthy food? Through the field study of the Reality Studio, we developed the Community Hub in the hope that it will be a part of the answer to these and other societal questions. We believe that connecting people is vital for spreading awareness of existing techniques, for sharing resources, and to build courage to embark on new initiatives together. We hope that the Community Hub can act as a link between individuals, between the communities and the Agriculture Office, and as a link to connect producers with consumers, reduce the harmful impact of farming on people and the environment while strengthening communities and empowering marginalized groups. To better understand the context, we have taken part in site visits with agricultural experts, held workshops and discussion with communities and representatives of organizations, as well as countless informal meetings in and around Jhenaidah. Throughout the project we have been guided by local architects from the Platform of Community Action and Architecture (POCAA) who have worked in close collaboration with communities in Jhenaidah for many years.
Reality Studio , Bangladesh , Safe Food , Design