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- PostVirtual material charecterization of natural fibre composites(2024) Kullberg, Valdemar; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för industri- och materialvetenskap; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Industrial and Materials Science; Asp, Leif; Gutkin, Renaud; Körbelin, JohannNatural fibre composites (NFCs) are becoming common in the automotive industry due to their impressive mechanical properties and low environmental impact. The complex micro structure of NFCs makes it difficult to test the material virtually using Finite Element (FE) software. The fibre properties, such as fibre orientation and ratio, vary within the material. In 2023, a digital twin of a Kenaf/Polypropylene was developed through a master thesis at Chalmers University of Technology in cooperation with Volvo Cars AB. The FE-results from that model match the physical tensile test results. However, the process of developing a digital twin for every test specimen is expensive and time consuming.Throughout the project, volume portions from the digital twin is generated and tested. Application of different types of boundary conditions in virtual tensile tests is made in order to find appropriate Representative Volume Elements (RVE). By finding an appropriate RVE-size, computational speed of virtual test will increase.Testing different RVEs from the same model also provides a lot of data about fibre properties.The results shows that calculations on some RVE-sizes of NFCs are possible and provides accurate results. It also shows that fibre orientation and fibre volume fraction within the material have an impact on effective properties when running virtual tensile tests.
- PostErgonomi- och designutveckling av arbetsväska för kassörer på nöjespark(2024) Andersson, Sofie; Kayedan, Tina; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för industri- och materialvetenskap; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Industrial and Materials Science; Berlin, Cecilia; Berlin, CeciliaLiseberg is an amusement park with many different functions and departments. The department of “Park Service” is responsible for the sale of products in the park. The workers in this department use a work bag to carry the products from and to their position for about ten minutes.This project investigates and evaluates the needs and requirements for the cashiers regarding their work bag. The basis of the project was laid by researching, observing, and interviewing relevant parties. By leveraging different design principles, the results from the user study provided a clear foundation for the next phase; idea generation and product development. Various factors such as safety, ergonomics, and user friendliness needed to be taken into account while brainstorming and designing possible concepts. By conducting different evaluation methods, an optimized concept could be generated. To guarantee that the best concept had been chosen, the users were brought back in to try and verify the quality and theory of the new concept. This way the credibility of the project became higher, while giving the users a second chance to give feedback and suggest possible improvements. The concept was then adjusted according to the users feedback and other problems that had occured. At last, a well thought-out design could be presented, backed up with reasonable arguments and facts behind every design decision.
- PostUtveckling av sorteringsutrustning som säkerhetsställer orientering av produkter vid mängdpåfyllning av magasin(2024) Johansson, Joakim; Dighammar, Victor; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för industri- och materialvetenskap; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Industrial and Materials Science; Almius, Håkan; Almius, HåkanThe thesis at GOT Design aims to develop a new solution for sorting equipment that ensures that the orientation of tampons when refilling a magazine in bulk. The current dispenser used by GOT Design requires tampons to be refilled one at a time, and the purpose of this project is to create a mechanical concept that allows for bulk refilling of the dispenser. The first phase of the work involved a preliminary study, which include patent searches to investigate existing solutions to similar problems, as well as historical solutions. This phase also included a market analysis to identify existing solutions from competitors in the current market and an examination of the size of hygiene boxes and containers found in public restrooms. Insights from this phase were then used as the basis for creating a functional analysis and a requirement specification. In the next step, insights from the previous phase were combined with methods such as brainwriting and brainstorming to generate ideas. Several different ideas emerged, and sketches and mockups were created for these. The ideas formed the basis for different concepts that were then compared and evaluated using tests and a Pugh matrix. After evaluation and testing, the “Funnel concept” emerged as the winner. It was then divided into subsystems, which were then further developed individually. In this stage 3D-printed components were used, which then formed the basis for a final concept. The final concept is based on the results obtained from the investigations and tests conducted. The concept features a funnel with an angled cylinder at the bottom. Inside the angled cylinder, there is a “stirrer” that can rotate. The main function of the concept is that the tampons slide down the funnel due to gravity and then, with the help of the “stirrer’s” rotation, they orient themselves correctly in the cylinder and falls into a magazine. The final concept is mechanical and based on a simple solution, that solves the task of orienting the tampons. It is recommended to further test the concept and optimize the various components to ensure the reliability of the dispenser.
- PostKonceptutveckling av applikationsgränssnitt för portabel skjutbana(2024) Davidsson, Matilda; Lind, Ebba; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för industri- och materialvetenskap; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Industrial and Materials Science; Rexfelt, Oskar; Svensson, ElinSammanfattning Idag finns begränsade alternativ på flexibel skytteträning och portabla skjutbanor som erbjuds till överkomliga priser för privatpersoner som utövar skytte. Som ett försök på att fylla detta glapp i marknaden utvecklas i detta examensarbete ett koncept på ett mobilapplikations gränssnitt med funktioner för loggning av skytteträning, samt med funktionalitet för manövrering av en tillhörande portabel skjutbana. Konceptet syftar till att erbjuda privatpersoner med ett intresse för skytte en effektiv och unik lösning som låter dem träna på egna villkor och utan tillgång till en lokal skjutanläggning, samtidigt som de i applikationen kan spara sin träningshistorik och spåra sin skjututveckling och sina framsteg. Projektet inkluderade en omfattande användarstudie och marknadsanalys, samt iterativa designprocesser, där metoder som intervjuer, observationer och användbarhetstester användes för att skapa en förståelse för skyttarnas träningsrutiner och preferenser. Resultaten från förstudien visar på ett betydande intresse för funktioner som erbjuder dokumentering av skjutresultat, presentation av utveckling över tid och funktioner som kan bidra en förbättrad skjutförmåga. Dessa insikter styrde utvecklingen av en applikationsprototyp i en riktning mot en produkt som är attraktiv för och uppfyller behoven och kraven hos de potentiella användarna. För att vidare säkerställa detta genomfördes dessutom användbarhetstest som innebar utvärdering av prototypen, vilken därefter kunde förfinas ytterligare efter användarnas önskemål. Resultatet av detta arbete är en testbar prototyp av ett applikationsgränssnitt som utgör ett mångsidigt hjälpmedel för skyttar att följa och förbättra sin skjutförmåga och sina skjutresultat på ett enkelt och effektivt sätt. Det slutgiltiga konceptet erbjuder ett användarvänligt gränssnitt som tillhandahåller ett brett utbud av funktionaliteter, inklusive loggning av skjutresultat, en detaljerad träffsanalys, samt träningsstatistik. Detta gränssnitt stödjer olika träningsscenarier och främjar en mer engagerande och produktiv träningsmiljö. Nyckelord: portabel skjutbana, mobilapplikation, användarvänlig design, användargränssnitt, användbarhetstestning, skytte, jakt, träningsteknologi, användarfeedback, produktutvecklin
- PostMechanical design of gear train efficiency test rig - Efficiency evaluation of geared front attachments in industrial tightening tools(2024) Shin, Miranda; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för industri- och materialvetenskap; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Industrial and Materials Science; Melkersson, Kjell; Forsberg, PerAtlas Copco desires a test rig where they can perform gear accuracy and efficiency tests with the aim of potentially enhancing the performance of their Geared Front Attachment (GFA) tool tightening solutions. The GFA extension consist of several gears positioned on a row making it possible to perform tightening’s in difficult positions. This project involves the mechanical design and assembly of a gear test rig that the company can leverage for future GFA development assessments. The degree project includes Computer Aided Design (CAD) design drawings of the rig and explanation of component selection necessary to assemble and operate the gear train test rig. The development process of the gear train test rig will be documented and discussed with regards to functionality, tolerance and fit, manufacturing, assembly, and maintenance. The project is divided into three phases, the design and construction phase, the assembly phase, and the test phase. The final design of the gear train test rig consists of several gear modules, allowing flexibility in adjusting the number of gear steps based on the operator's testing requirements. Each gear module is clamped onto a T-slot aluminum plate. The input and output modules are placed in the beginning and at the end of the test rig gear train. The input module is connected to the power source and the output module is connected to the system pneumatic brake. The gear steps can easily be set and rearranged by changing the number of middle modules incorporated to the gear train test rig. To validate the functionality of the assembled test rig, grease test cases have been conducted. Research indicates that power losses occur during gear meshing because of friction between interlocking gear teeth, which in this case will impact the gear test rig efficiency. Studies show that lubrication applied to gears can improve tool performance significantly (Westbroek, Leckner & Olsson, 2023). Test cases were conducted both with no applied grease on gears and with two different greases applied to the gears. These test cases validate the test rig's performance and the effects of different lubrication conditions. The conclusive test results reveal that the comparison between the two different greases did not show any significant difference, although applying grease to the gears enhances the test rig efficiency by nearly 19 %. The conclusive assessment of the constructed test rig's performance reveals that the rig will operate with a 95 % efficiency during two-gear-step test cases.