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- PostKnock mitigation study on alternative fuel heavy duty engines(2024) Katsikioti, Dimitra; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för mekanik och maritima vetenskaper; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences; Dahlander, Petter; Hansson, AxelWith increasingly stricter emissions regulations and a growing demand for higher efficiency, alternative fuels are becoming more viable alternatives to fossil fuels. Methane, for example, can be used in conventional combustion engines with minimal modifications, meeting lower emission targets. However, engines running on alternative fuels still face issues common to conventional engines, such as “knock,” which limits their efficiency. This thesis investigates the manifestation of knock in alternative fuel engines and proposes a method to prevent it while maintaining high efficiency. The method utilizes Model Predictive Control (MPC) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). A detailed outline of the proposed controller is provided, along with the rationale behind its key structural characteristics. The use of ANNs to model the system’s state is also explored and evaluated. The controller is tested under various operating conditions and tuning settings to verify its effectiveness and identify optimal tuning. The proposed control method performed well in the selected cases and setup. Further improvements to both the controller and neural network structure are suggested to enhance performance. This thesis establishes that MPC can improve engine performance and prevent unfavorable operating conditions. Initially useful for engine mapping, the controller has future potential for direct implementation on the ECU.
- PostDeveloping of a numerical framework for transonic axial compressor analysis(2024) Hessman Ranman, Robert; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för mekanik och maritima vetenskaper; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences; Xixto, Carlos; Sjögren, OliverModern engineering in the aerospace field of operations is transitioning from real experimental testing to heavily relying on computer-aided engineering (CAE). Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is a great tool for obtaining estimates of real operations but computational limitations often lead to the implementation of simplified models of the full governing equations, rendering estimates with a limited accuracy. Validating numerical results to experimental data is a great way of bridging the gap between virtual and real operation, and further provides weight to the validity of the results to the aeronautical engineering community. At Ecole Centrale de Lyon a carbon fiber fan stage has been designed as a reference test case for state-of-the-art fan stage technology, in collaboration with the engine manufacturer Safran. The test case named CATANA is intended as a platform for collaboration between universities and research agencies and to support validation of simulation codes by providing experimental data. In this thesis, the numerical and experimental results generated at Ecole Centrale de Lyon on the CATANA test case is used to establish and validate a numerical framework developed to further be used in a parametric study of fan blade design. The framework is presented in three phases, grid generation, simulations, and validation with CATANA data. The baseline case is established with a low Reynolds number RANS turbulence model with the assumption of steady-state. To further reduce the overall computational load of any given blade design the spacial resolution requirements of a low and high Reynolds’s number turbulence models are investigated by integrating a low-Re k-ε model in the framework in parallel to a high-Re k-ω SST model. The thesis covers an in-depth presentation of meshing routines and numeric setup for both models as well as the implementation of custom external convergence criteria. As a final part of the thesis, the effects of removing the stator from the fan stage are investigated by comparing spanwise distributions and mass flow averaged data downstream of the rotor.
- PostStatistical Safeguards: Redefining Col lision Avoidance with Probability Theory: Employing Statistical Decision-Making to Enhance Safety in Mixed Traffic Environments(2024) Hjertén Brink, Sebastian; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för mekanik och maritima vetenskaper; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences; Forsberg, Peter; Hedvall Fogelquist, MartinThis thesis introduces a probabilistic collision avoidance system that employs statistical decision-making in order to enhance the safety of mixed traffic environments. Central to this approach is the representation of vehicle positions as normal probability distributions, which are convolved with real-time sensor data to assess risks more accurately and reduce the unnecessary emergency stops. The research develops and implements a dynamic collision probability threshold, that is derived from safety integrity levels (SIL), which is imperative for complying with the rigorous safety standards and regulations. Simulations and analytical methods were used to validate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm and demonstrating its potential in decision-making in emergency situations. Thus a a scalable solution for collision avoidance is presented in the form of an algorithm that can be integrated into existing safety systems, in order to enhance the operational efficiency for mixed traffic environments.
- PostAssessment of brake wear emissions from a brake rig(2024) Suresh, Nandu; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för mekanik och maritima vetenskaper; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences; Sjöblom, Jonas; Sjöblom, JonasAs the number of vehicles on the road continues to rise, and solutions for exhaust emissions have been developed, non-exhaust emissions are becoming increasingly prominent, particularly brake wear emissions. Non-exhaust emissions could be extremely harmful to humans and can cause premature deaths. Hence it is necessary to identify the problematic particles among the brake particles to mitigate the harmful effect of brake wear emissions on health. This project aims to find the properties and composition of brake particles generated from a brake system comprising a brake disc and a pair of brake pads of a light-duty vehicle. With multiple standardised driving cycles available, rig-based testing can be done with proper infrastructure, and brake particles can be sampled and analysed properly. The new upcoming Euro 7 legislation limits the PM10 emissions from the brakes of light-duty vehicles to 3 mg/km. Brake particles were generated using a custom drive cycle suitable for the operation of the brake rig, followed by the sampling and assessment of the particles using Dekati ELPI+ and further analysis was done using SEM-EDX to get microscopic pictures of brake dust as well as its chemical composition. For the test cycle and operating conditions, most of the particles formed were in the region of PM10. Particle size distribution (PSD) curves are plotted for a better understanding of different conditions like the re-suspension of brake particles. The effects of temperature, brake pressure and speed on the formation of brake particles are analysed in the form of PSD curves. Metals like Fe and Ca were found to be the dominant materials among the larger particles and elements like C, O, Si etc made up most of the smaller particles. Principal component analysis, together with SEM-EDX results validates that.
- PostThe impact of programming language choice on execution time when performing virtual simulation with a driver model: A comparison of C++ and Python performance using the open simulation interface (OSI) in esmini(2024) Soydas, Burak C.; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för mekanik och maritima vetenskaper; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences; Bärgman, Jonas; Bärgman, JonasIn the past decades the automotive industry increased the usage of computer simulations in diverse fields for the purposes like Verification & Validation (V & V), research, development and with progress made in the development of Automated Driving System (ADS) and Advanced Driver Assistant Systems (ADAS), the legislation. One form of computer simulation used for those purposes are virtual simulations. In the case of research for ADS, driver behavior and driver models (DM), a virtual world is created with the intention to recreated a real-world scenario for simulation applications. The many benefits it offers for this purpose can be improved by using more complex algorithms or larger-scale simulations. Based on the complexity and computation required for increasing the accuracy of those, the available performance might be a limiting factor. Therefore, the focus of this thesis was on comparing the performance of a compiled and an interpreted programming language driving a minimal reproducible example of virtual simulation as it could be implemented for the stated research applications. The open-source environment simulator esmini was used together with a DM based on the theory of predictive processing. Respectively, the main function execution times and statistics of the GNU time function were collected. Both parts of the simulation were implemented in C++ and Python. The results showed substantially faster times for the C++ DMs main function, and that wrapping the esmini library in Python using the ctypes library didn’t affect the simulations main function execution. Statistics of GNU time showed better results for both, the DM and simulation, when C++ was used.