Hassle-Free BEV Customer Journey: How Vehicle OEMs Can Enhance the Usage Phase
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The automotive industry is currently transitioning from internal combustion engine vehicles to Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs). The BEV ecosystem is fast-changing and complex, and the trends of digitalisation and servitisation enable innumerable ways of creating value for users. This implies difficulties for vehicle OEMs regarding what activities to prioritise. Therefore, this study aims at providing vehicle OEMs with valuable insights that can help them understand and enhance the BEV usage phase experience for their customers. This study was conducted in collaboration with one vehicle OEM. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews with stakeholders at the vehicle OEM, BEV users, and external experts. Further, a method called concept mapping was performed together with BEV users. Moreover, a theoretical framework was developed to explore relevant theories related to the research topic and facilitate the analysis and discussion. When researching the current BEV usage phase customer journey, three phases, including their key touchpoints, activities, and actors, were identified and mapped. Moreover, 70 unique BEV user desires were identified and divided into eight clusters, representing areas that BEV users need for a hassle-free experience. Lastly, by analysing the nature of the clusters, three key gaps were derived. To navigate these gaps, the thesis suggests that vehicle OEMs will have to cooperate with actors within and outside of their industry boundaries, but also align interests internally. Further, vehicle OEMs should continually seek to understand the desires of their customers and how they, given their role in the BEV ecosystem, may work to deliver these desires.