The advancement towards climate neutrality within the Swedish construction industry -Identification of improvement potentials in relevant disciplines at a consultancy firm
Examensarbete för masterexamen
Design and construction project management (MPDCM), MSc
Hagman, Celine
Stolt, Linn
In accordance with the Paris Agreement and Sweden’s national climate action plan,
the construction industry is to achieve climate neutrality by year 2045. To succeed,
all disciplines within the sector need to take responsibility and make considerable
actions to reduce their climate impact. Through identifying climate impact reducing
measures within the structural, electrical and HVAC engineering disciplines that
are suitable for residential building projects, this thesis aims to contribute to the
advancement towards a climate neutral construction industry.
The study consists of a literature review, an interview study and a life cycle assessment
(LCA). The literature review resulted in suggestions of several measures of
reducing climate impact. The measures were discussed and evaluated both through
an interview study and an LCA. The interview study encompassed interviews with
two environmental coordinators and one representative from each of the studied
disciplines. Findings indicated a willingness and need to learn more about climate
impact reducing measure and the LCA-methodology.
The LCA was conducted according to the SS-EN 15978:2011 standard, encompassed
a time period of 60 years and the system boundary A1-A3, A4, B4-B7, and C1-C4.
Through a multiple scenario analysis, the suggested measures were evaluated both
individually and collectively. The combined scenario, where green concrete, cellulose
insulation, photovoltaic cells, and smart ventilation were incorporated, achieved a
reduction of 7.91% in global warming potential (GWP) which corresponds to 80 000
kg CO2-eq or nine Swedes’ annual climate impact.
Results indicate that LCA can induce pro-environmental decision making through
comparing different scenarios and identification of environmental impact reduction
opportunities throughout a building’s life cycle. It was also identified that although
widespread implementation of current technologies can contribute to substantial
reductions in climate impact, extensive actions of climate compensation are still
required to achieve climate neutrality. Thus, mainstreaming of best practices needs
to occur in parallel with development of disruptive technologies and innovations to
achieve climate neutrality.
construction industry, innovation, climate impact, life cycle assessment, knowledge management, measures of reducing climate impact