Land subsidence caused by pore pressure reduction due to a local groundwater extraction: A study on modelling approaches to predict and describe land subsidence caused by a local groundwater extraction
Examensarbete för masterexamen
Master's Thesis
Master's Thesis
Infrastructure and environmental engineering (MPIEE), MSc
Paulsson, Måns
Trapp, Marcus
Land subsidence caused by the extraction of groundwater is a well known problem
that could cause large and costly damages to the built infrastructure. This master’s thesis explores the land subsidence resulting from reduced pore pressure due
to local groundwater extraction in Gothenburg, Sweden. The study employs 1D
and 2D consolidation models to simulate the effects of groundwater withdrawal on
subsidence, providing a comprehensive analysis of vertical displacements and soil behavior. By integrating geotechnical site characterization with hydrogeological data,
the research validates the predictions of the model against field measurements. The
findings highlight that the 1D analytical solution correlates well with both the 1D
Plaxis model and the field measurements. In addition, the results suggest that the
extraction rate is the governing factor for the magnitude of land subsidence at close
distances to the pumping well; meanwhile, the clay thickness is the governing factor
at further distances from the well. The findings also indicate that the reduction
in pore pressure will extend further in the soil profile for thicker clays, resulting
in a larger land subsidence over longer periods of time. Furthermore, the findings
highlight the need for validation with field measurements and the difficulties of mod eling groundwater extraction and predicting subsequent land subsidence using an
axisymmetric Plaxis 2D model.
pore pressure , land subsidence , groundwater extraction , lytical modeling , settlements , drawdown , aquifer , soft soil