Hijacking the roofs of central Gothenburg; an exploration of alternative urbanism
Examensarbete för masterexamen
Master's Thesis
Master's Thesis
Architecture and urban design (MPARC), MSc
Schwarztrauber, Fenja
This thesis started out with the ambition to shed light on the lack of affordable housing in
city centers and explore the potential of urban leftover spaces in relation to that. As cities
become denser, architects are more and more challenged to design in previously overlooked
urban infill spaces, which often accommodate great potential.
The aim of this thesis is to investigate adaptable alternative architecture and create a proposal
for these infill spaces through that. The goal is to create an urban interruption that
adds to the discussion of the current housing market, questions existing urban planning
solutions and gentrification, and generates alternative urbanism based on the “right to the
city” approach, by infiltrating cities and utilizing unused niches.
The process began by investigating alternative architecture, including urban interruptions
by artists Jakob Wirth and Santiago Cirugeda. Which lead to a design proposal showcasing
an alternative urbanism in a gentrified area of central Gothenburg. This urban exploration
tests alternative typologies, usages, and the adaptability of architecture while encouraging
citizens to actively shape and build their environment.
The spatial prototype is based on a flexible construction method that can hijack and spread
over rooftops and infiltrate various leftover spaces in Gothenburg or other cities around the
world. It offers space for people with a small budget to reside, provides opportunities for
self-sufficient urban gardening, and creates communal spaces that strengthen local social
sustainability, while challenging gentrification and questioning whom urban centers are
designed for.
The project is located in an urban leftover space on top of a closed city block in
Gothenburg’s former harbor district, Långgatorna. A district that used to have a rather
dodgy reputation but made a gradual transition into a popular bar area in Gothenburg.
However, it continues to undergo gentrification, and the authentic pubs may soon be
replaced by modern hotels and restaurants for a more affluent audience