Chalmers Campus Augmented Reality - En interaktiv guidad tur under Vetenskapsfestivalen 2014
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Bachelor Thesis
Bachelor Thesis
Datateknik 300 hp (civilingenjör)
Kristiansson, Alexander
Rolén, Anderas
Vekariya, Amit
Chalmers Campus Augmented Reality is a game in the form of an interactive guided tour at Chalmers Campus Johanneberg during the Science Festival 2014 for schoolchildren in the 7th to 9th grade. The visit at Chalmers aims to expose the schoolchildren to interesting information about both Chalmers and the outstanding research conducted at the school. The game is perceived via the participants’ smart mobile devices, and on their way around the campus they will face different quests and stations. These stations are placed around Chalmers Campus Johanneberg, and at each station one of Chalmers’s Areas of Advance is presented. At the stations the Areas of advance will present their primary cutting edge research in an interactive and exhilarating way with the goal of creating an interest among schoolchildren about Chalmers and science. This report presents the project’s path from basic ideas in the field of using new technology as a complement to learning, which is the base for the game, to the final results of the project. Discussions about what could have been done differently, how the different choices the group made affected the project, and what the team thinks about the used technology and its pros and cons, will be presented in this report. It also reviews how the Augmented Reality technology can be used, and how the technology can lead to improved learning for students. Finally it reviews what is a good balance between the students’ experience via their smartphones and the real world.
Data- och informationsvetenskap , Computer and Information Science