Renewal monument: from the circular strategies to heritage renovation
Examensarbete för masterexamen
Architecture and planning beyond sustainability, MSc
Cao, Huizhong
It is inevitable to judge the growth economy from two
sides. On the one hand, it boosts economic growth, but
on the other hand, the wealth gap, material exhaustion,
and waste pollution have been even more severe than the
surface prosperity. The linear economy pattern is based on
over-consumerism; each year, we leave behind an average
of almost 560kg of rubbish per capita. The circular economy
is in calling.
New public space is needed to rethink about the principle
of the built environment, especially those industrial heritage
from a new sight, a more circular and sustainable way.
The building in the city is no more needed to focus only on
increment and entropy increase but in need of transformation
and renewal. Besides, to adapt the old building stock
into the future circular economy, we must also adapt
its original spatial qualities, facilities, structures, and
functionalities to a more circular way. Thus, there is a
complexity of different layers of circular principles that
The design proposal is to transform an abandoned
industrial heritage in Wuhan, called Hanyang Iron Works,
into a spatial recycling experiential museum, including
speculative design and conceptual drawing in the architectural
and landscape design. Based on circular economy
principles, the design is developed on six layers:
circular business cycle, pedagogy cycle, eco-waste cycle,
ecosystem service cycle, re-cycle, and material cycle.
The six cycles are clarified as chart flow in the thesis
and then testified in the design phase. In the end,
the design elements like water, eco waste, municipal
waste attached to each layer will be evaluated
to show its potential for the circular transformation
The larger find is that when we start to renovate
an abandoned building stock in the city, the matter
we care about will be the social or cultural aspect
and more from a more complex and multi-dimensional
consideration for a circular future. To renew
a building to fit into a new urban challenge is the
substance of urban mining.
Circular business model, industrial heritage renovation, pedagogy, recycling, eco system service