Critical Success Factors When Implementing Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) A Case Study of Process-FMEA at a Global Automotive Manufacturing Company
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This thesis concerns the implementation of Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA).
There are many different quality tools and practices used today and the implementation
greatly impacts the success of the tool. Moreover, FMEA is a common tool
but there is limited research on how to best implement it. The purpose of this
research was therefore to understand what critical success factors there are when
implementing a global FMEA standard. The purpose was fulfilled by firstly studying
the literature on FMEA usage and implementation of quality tools and practices.
The literary findings resulted in a framework of Critical Success Factors for implementing
FMEA. A number of success factors were identified within the following
• Leadership
• Organizational
• Knowledge
• Individual
• Processual
• Stakeholder Management
• Contextual
• Effective FMEA Practice
Secondly, empirical research was performed at a case company that uses Process
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (P-FMEA) and were aiming to implement a new,
global P-FMEA according to a handbook on FMEA by Automotive Industry Action
Group (AIAG) and Verband der Automobilindustrie (VDA). The empirical findings
were analyzed based on the theoretical framework. Lastly, the findings from the
analysis were used to create recommendations for the implementation of P-FMEA
and representatives from the case company participated in a workshop to prioritize
the recommendations based on feasibility and impact. Some of the recommendations
were considered quick-wins, such as establishing senior management support
at all sites, while