MEDIATION exploring how architecture can mediate ambiguities
Examensarbete för masterexamen
Master's Thesis
Master's Thesis
Upon exceeding Moderaterna, becoming the second most influential party
of the Swedish parliament, the polarizing Sweden Democrats have after twelve
years in parliament entered the Swedish government through the formation of
the Tidö Agreement. The policy agenda of the Sweden Democrats is identified
as right-wing populist, nourished by discontent and distrust, and electoral results
exhibit their following to be concentrated to peripheral territories.
From thematic dimensions of right-wing populism the thesis adopts the
method design through research to explore embedded ambiguities of territory, actors
and affects, in a situated case study by the research question ‘How can
architecture mediate ambiguities?’. The result is a contextual framework with pervasive
analysis of theoretical conceptions and a situated inventory, informing of a
design proposal.
By approaching Gärsnäs, in the municipality of Simrishamn, Skåne, the
thesis inquiry is situated in a representative village from which ambiguities are
explored through a temporal and spatial inventory constituent of interviews and
observations. Considering thematic ambiguities of right-wing populism,
conceptions within urban theory define precarious conditions of uneven geographical
development, whilst critical theory distinguishes indeterminate relational
conceptions of the spatial environment. Interpreting theoretical conceptions against
the inventory of Gärsnäs, a situated venture from which architecture can attend
mediation is identified in maintenance activities. A further immersed inventory
follows the maintenance activities of the municipality and Byalaget, delineating
the exploration of a situated design proposal.
The thesis arrives at the conclusion that architecture can mediate ambiguities
if ambiguities are investigated where they gain situated specificity, identifying of
mediation. Upon identified situated specificities architecture is to be considered
as indeterminate, of spatial practices to embed towards mediation. The design
proposal is a radical suggestion where specific situated means of mediation have
been interpreted exploring an indeterminate architecture towards mediation. The
design proposal suggests the discussion of how architecture can mediate
ambiguities to continue, recognizing critical uncertainties in mediation.
Urbanization, Spatial Practice, Maintenance, Gärsnäs, Simrishamn