Truck platooning
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Examensarbete för masterexamen
Management and economics of innovation (MPMEI), MSc
Solberg, Alexander
With the increasing number of goods circulating in our economy, there is a significant
amount of pressure being put on transport and logistics service providers to facili tate freight transport across the EU. In the interest of improving the current road
freight transport conditions and meeting sustainable targets set by governments,
truck platooning is a suggested solution which can reduce driver costs, improve
fuel efficiency, and improve road safety. Although the technology provides solutions
which benefit the economy as a whole, it has struggled to commercialise. In this
paper, a Technological Innovation System (TIS) approach is taken to analyse the
truck platooning system, to gain an understanding of the enablers and barriers for
emergence in the EU. The analysis is based on a step by step TIS scheme, presented
by Bergek et al. (2008), and uses data from a technical project, expert interviews,
and secondary data analytic methods to identify and analyse system structures and
functions. There is a general agreement amongst actors that truck platooning is a
useful technology and that it can bring great economic, social, and environmental
benefits. The emergence of truck platooning is heavily dependent on the entrance
of governments and actors from supporting industries, along with changes in in stitutions to begin shaping the development and commercialisation. The results
highlight three main barriers to the emergence of truck platooning; unaligned insti tutions, weak networks, and underdeveloped infrastructure. Comparing the results
to studies from similar studies within other industries helped identify the effect and
importance of the barriers, and allow for speculations to be made on the possible
future steps in emerging truck platooning.
Technological Innovation System (TIS) , truck platooning , freight transport , innovation , enablers , barriers , commercialisation