GLAZED CONNECTIONS - A design strategy to promote wellbeing & social interaction within glazed spaces in residential buildings
Examensarbete för masterexamen
Architecture and planning beyond sustainability, MSc
Parma, Lucrecia
Northern countries are challenged
by extreme weather conditions, social
vulnerability and health related issues
caused by stress and loneliness. Glazed
spaces in multi-family dwellings counts
with the benefits of climate protection,
increased daylight, gardening
possibilities, promoting participatory
and collaborative activities, provide
social support and enhance closeness
with nature, surroundings and people.
These geometries also influence
wellbeing and social interaction which
helps to build up social support. This
influences physical and mental health,
helps build trust among residents, lower
crime levels and creates a stronger
sense of community. The purpose
and aim of this thesis seeks to explore
how glazed geometries can promote
wellbeing and social interaction among
residents of multifamily houses?
Based on findings from literature
research, analysis of different glazed
spaces (charts), study visits and
interviews with residents, this thesis
provides a design guideline together
with a design proposal. The findings were
focused on best practices for promoting
social interaction and wellbeing among
residents of multifamily housing with
integrated glazed spaces. The proposal
aims to contribute to a sustainable
housing debate. By exposing and
suggesting the inclusion of relevant
design elements for promoting social
interaction, it intends to help set up
sustainable communities. During the
design proposal process, the guidelines
were put into practice. Emphasis was
set on providing maximum opportunities
for contact among residents to help
create social networks. The proposal
is focused towards the individual, the
community and the context to promote
social sustainability. This thesis is a
collaboration together with architects
and engineers from Chalmers and
Sweco within Spaces project.
glazed spaces, wellbeing, social interaction, social sustainability