Intuitive UX In a Redesign of Ullmanstolen
Examensarbete för masterexamen
Master's Thesis
Master's Thesis
Industrial design engineering (MPDES), MSc
Gustafsson, Lucas
Lackner, Olga
This master's thesis was pursued as part of the master's programme of Industrial Design
Engineering at the Industrial and Materials Science department at Chalmers University of
Technology. The thesis would not have been possible without the support of our examiner and
supervisor Sanna Dahlman, who challenged our ideas and encouraged exploration throughout
the process, and without whom the narrative of this work would not have come together as well
as it did. We would also like to thank the company EU Ergonomiutveckling AB for contribution of
knowledge on the subject and valuable insights provided. Further we extend thanks to our chair
and programme director for continued support throughout the thesis and to our opponents,
who asked very insightful questions at the thesis presentation and provided thoughtful feedback
on the report as well as a fresh perspective on the topic.
Office work has gone through changes in the past decades, with office chairs adapting, adding
more controls to provide better ergonomic support. But more adjustments have resulted in a
lack of understanding of how to correctly use chairs, which can negate the intended benefits and
harm the user’s posture. This master thesis aims to improve usability of the controls, based on
an investigation of users' current understanding of the settings and drawing conclusions on how
this can guide the design of the controls. The chair this research focuses on, Ullmanstolen, was
launched around forty years ago and therefore provides a good starting point for adapting to
new types of working environments. A design guide is established through a user study and user
evaluation. To address the lack of understanding of adjustable chair settings, a design of clearly
visible, distinct controls adhering to placement conventions and user’s mental models is vital,
showcased in a redesign of Ullmanstolen.