Examensarbete på grundnivå
Maskinteknik 180 hp (högskoleingenjör)
Saker, Kristian Charbel
Smart glasses are an augmented reality (AR) solution, which can provide necessary information to the
maintenance works. This work method utilizes and enhances the productivity withing the maintenance
sector though an AR device. Workers in this kind of labor performs hand-busy tasks and the smart glasses
that is provided, suggested and researched well about will complement the workers working conditions.
This project is carried out by the school Chalmers in Gothenburg and within the company Plasman.
The maintenance team in the producing factory Plasman wants to implement a suggestion in Augmented
reality device (Smart glasses) into their department.
Overall, AR devices have the potential to revolutionize how companies operate, engage with customers,
train employees, and innovate in various industries, leading to improved efficiency, productivity, and
customer satisfaction.
Research question, what type of information is wanted (output), how will the information be interpreted.
Collecting valuable data from the workers and their input of what type of demands they want and need.
Plasman’s headquarters are in Windsor, Canada and Gothenburg, Sweden, with 5500 employees
participating in the development, manufacturing, engineering, and sales. Currently, the company operates
in Sweden, Belgium, Norway, Portugal, Mexico, USA, China, Japan, and Czech Republic. The products
capabilities include single/source solutions for injection molding, tooling, chroming, paint applications
and assembly. From concept state to completion, Plasman provides innovative and powerful solutions that
ensure the right delivery with the right part to the customer when they need it, just in time. Literature
review: Work related to smart glasses in industries like such as Plasman (industry 4.0).
The student has performed three years of studies in mechanical engineering, which provides the project
well and fits expertise needed. This thesis work is performed alone by one student and thankfully also by
the support of the supervisors.