Detaljkonstruktion och test av drönarhus
Examensarbete på grundnivå
This bachelor thesis is part of a drone launcher project run by the Swedish Sea
Rescue Society
SSRS). The objective is to be able to remotely launch a drone at any given moment to secure and
ease the sea rescue mission done by SSRS’s volunteers. The drone will be able to support this by
ivestreaming video from a rescue scene directly to a screen monitored by SSRS.
This part of the project is focusing on detail design and test of a drone container, which is the
upper art of the drone launcher. The function of the drone house is to protect and charge the drone
as well as to allow space for a firing ramp. Previous work had resulted in a prototype of the drone
and also arts of the launch station, but there was no prototype of the drone container yet.
By initial meetings and information retrieval of previous work the group got a broad understanding
f the project. Through calculations a given opening design alternative was validatet and a new was
eveloped. Our opening alternative required two motors with a axial capacity of 300 N.
To ensure the attatchment of the container to the launcher a screw joint was dimensioned.
The next step was to make the prototype. It was built on the basis of an existing CAD model created
y SSRS. Subsequently, changes were made to enable the requested functions. Some parts of the
rototype were manufactured directly from raw materials from the Chalmers prototype lab, while ther
parts were ordered and then modified to fit.
The drone container was then mounted on the existing prototype of the launch station. With the help
f two Chalmers students that controlled the engines, the opening function was tested. At a later
date, a test launch was conducted with the drone. It showed that the prototyp the group had made
was a uccess and all the functionality we where after could be demonstrated.
The last part of the project consisted of a concept generation phase to give the client suggestions
for uture improvement alternatives. These improvements consisted of drainage and ventilation
solutions, hich were then further processed using methods such as Kesselring and morphological
Ten different concepts were generated and then a winner was chosen. The final concept consists of
wo drapes on the sides to prevent leakage during launch. At the back of the drone container there
is upposed to be two holes that closes and opens with the help of two doors. The concept generation
is ot something that will be applied to prototypes, which make all concepts interesting to the